在 Typescript 的 class 方法中创建方法 - Angular 2

Creating methods within a class method in Typescript - Angular 2

在 Angular 2 中,我使用 bootbox.js 创建对话框(警报、确认)。我正在尝试创建一个对话服务,但我不确定如何用 Typescript 编写代码,这样我才能按照我希望的方式使用我的服务方法。


export class SomeComponent {

  constructor(private _dialog: DialogService){}

  showConfirm() {
      .title('Some title')
      .message('Some message')
      .okBtn('Sounds Good')
      .cancelBtn('No way!')
      .confirm(() => {})
      .cancel(() => {})

showAlert() {
          .title('Some title')
          .message('Some message')
          .okBtn('Sounds Good')
          .callback(() => {})


export class DialogService {

confirm() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        cancel: {
          label: cancelBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => cancel()
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => confirm()

 alert() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => callback()




export class DialogService {

public title: string;
public messafe: string;
.....  // all other properties

confirm() {
      title: title,
      message: message,
      buttons: {
        cancel: {
          label: cancelBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => cancel()
        okay: {
          label: okBtn,
          className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
          callback: () => confirm()


然后,在使用 DialogService 的组件中

export class SomeComponent {

  constructor(private _dialog: DialogService){}

  this._dialog.title = 'some title';
  this._dialog.message = 'some message';
  // the rest of the stuff




如果我的理解正确,那么你正在寻找 the builder pattern


class DialogService {
    private _title: string;
    private _message: string;
    private _okBtn: string;
    private _cancelBtn: string;
    private _confirm: string;
    private _cancel: string;

    constructor() {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this._title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this._message = value;
        return this;

    public okBtn(value: string): DialogService {
        this._okBtn = value;
        return this;

    public cancelBtn(value: string): DialogService {
        this._cancelBtn = value;
        return this;

    public confirm(value: () => {}): DialogService {
        this._confirm = value;
        return this;

    public cancel(value: () => {}): DialogService {
        this._cancel = value;
        return this;

    public show(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                cancel: {
                    label: this._cancelBtn,
                    className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
                    callback: this._cancel
                okay: {
                    label: okBtn,
                    className: 'btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary',
                    callback: this._confirm


new DialogService()
    .title('Some title')
    .message('Some message')
    .okBtn('Sounds Good')
    .cancelBtn('No way!')
    .confirm(() => {})
    .cancel(() => {})



interface ButtonData {
    label: string;
    className: string;
    callback: () => void;

class DialogService {
    private static BUTTON_CLASS_NAME = "btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary";

    private _title: string;
    private _message: string;
    private _okay: ButtonData;
    private _cancel: ButtonData;

    constructor() {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this._title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this._message = value;
        return this;

    public okay(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this._okay = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public cancel(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this._cancel = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public alert(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                okay: this.okay

    public confirm(): void {
            title: this._title,
            message: this._message,
            buttons: {
                cancel: this._cancel,
                okay: this.okay


我仍然不确定你到底在找什么,我做了一些改动并确保有 confirmalert 方法,但我不确定是什么他们应该做...
confirm 使用了您的代码中的 bootbox.dialog,但我不知道如何处理 alert,所以我发明了 bootbox.alert 函数。

interface ButtonData {
    label: string;
    className: string;
    callback: () => void;

interface ServiceData {
    title: string;
    message: string;
    buttons: {
        cancel: ButtonData,
        okay: ButtonData

class DialogService {
    private static BUTTON_CLASS_NAME = "btn-inverse btn-inverse-primary";
    private data: ServiceData

    constructor() {
        this.data = <ServiceData> {
            buttons: {
                cancel: <ButtonData> {},
                okay: <ButtonData> {}

    public title(value: string): DialogService {
        this.data.title = value;
        return this;

    public message(value: string): DialogService {
        this.data.message = value;
        return this;

    public okay(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this.data.buttons.okay = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public cancel(label: string, callback?: () => void): DialogService {
        this.data.buttons.cancel = {
            label: label,
            className: DialogService.BUTTON_CLASS_NAME,
            callback: callback || function() {}

        return this;

    public confirm(): void {

    public alert(): void {