UILocalNotification 的 userInfo 对象的一致性要求

conformity requirements for userInfo object of UILocalNotification


我想将 'struct' 或 'class object' 传递给 UILocalNotification 的 userInfo。 (参见下面的代码图)。

你能告诉我需要如何更改此结构才能符合 UserInfo 的要求吗?


a) UserInfo 不能是结构体(但我也尝试使用 class - 它也不起作用)

b) "plist type" 一致性 --> 但我该怎么做呢?

c) "NSCoder" 和 "NSObject" 一致性 --> 但我该怎么做呢?

我收到的错误消息 运行 下面的代码是:

"unable to serialize userInfo"


struct MeetingData {
    let title: String
    let uuid: String
    let startDate: NSDate
    let endDate: NSDate

let notification = UILocalNotification()
notification.category = "some_category"
notification.alertLaunchImage = "Logo"
notification.fireDate = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10)
notification.alertBody = "Data-Collection Request!"
//        notification.alertAction = "I want to participate"
notification.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName

let myData = MeetingData(title: "myTitle",
                          uuid: "myUUID",
                     startDate: NSDate(),
                       endDate: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10))

// that's where everything crashes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
notification.userInfo = ["myKey": myData] as [String: AnyObject]

正如 UILocalNotification.userInfo 的文档所说:

You may add arbitrary key-value pairs to this dictionary. However, the keys and values must be valid property-list types; if any are not, an exception is raised.


enum Keys {
    static let title = "title"
    static let uuid = "uuid"
    static let startDate = "startDate"
    static let endDate = "endDate"
extension MeetingData {
    func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary {
        return [Keys.title: title,
                Keys.uuid: uuid,
                Keys.startDate: startDate,
                Keys.endDate: endDate]
    init?(dictionaryRepresentation dict: NSDictionary) {
        if let title = dict[Keys.title] as? String,
            let uuid = dict[Keys.uuid] as? String,
            let startDate = dict[Keys.startDate] as? NSDate,
            let endDate = dict[Keys.endDate] as? NSDate
            self.init(title: title, uuid: uuid, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate)
        } else {
            return nil

然后你可以使用myData.dictionaryRepresentation()转换成字典,MeetingData(dictionaryRepresentation: ...)从字典转换。