如何覆盖单元测试中被调用的方法,class 被测试

How to override a method in unit tests that is called from which the class being tested

我正在测试 class A 的函数 func1。


public Class A
    public func1()
       B object = new B();
       int x = object.func2(something);

当我在单元测试中测试 func1 时,我不想调用 func2。


B textObject = new B()
   int func2(something)
      return 5;

但它仍在调用 class B 中的 func2。请建议如何处理此问题。

如果您想覆盖 new B() 构造函数调用 - 将其放在自己的方法中。

public Class A

    public func1()
       B object = newB();
       int x = object.func2(something);

    protected B newB(){
        return new B();

在您的测试中,您可以覆盖 B 构造函数调用。

public class APartitialMock extends A {

   protected B newB(){
      return new BMock();

public class BMock extends B {

    int func2(something) {
        return 5


然后使用 APartitialMock 来测试 func1 和你的 B

PS 如果您可以或想要使用框架,请查看 powermock - Mock Constructor

I can make B as a class variable in A but that doesn't seem to help either. What would you suggest in this case?

如果把B做成class变量,那么就可以mock B,"swap"在A的被测对象中


public class B {
    int func2(int something){
        return 3*something;

public class A
    // declare it as protected - a test need to have access to this field to replace it
    protected B object = new B();

    public int func1()
       int x = object.func2(22);
       return x;


import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

public class ATest {

    public void test() {
        A myA = new A();
        B myB = mock(B.class);

        // dummy function

        // replace B with mocked B
        myA.object = myB;

        int actual = myA.func1();

        assertEquals(20, actual);