Flume 内存通道在启动时已满
Flume memory channel is full on start-up
我的 Flume 内存通道有问题。我 运行 一个 Flume 代理,它淹没了内存通道并且日志开始溢出 "The channel is full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after 250 milliseconds"
到目前为止一切顺利。我停止代理,编辑 flume.conf 以增加容量并重试。问题是在启动时 Flume 已经溢出相同的消息:
`16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting new configuration:
{ sourceRunners:{s1=EventDrivenSourceRunner: { source:Spool
Directory source s1: { spoolDir: /home/vagrant/logs } }}
sinkRunners:{kafka-avro-sink2=SinkRunner: {
counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } }, kafka-avro-
sink1=SinkRunner: {
counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } }} channels:
{mem1=org.apache.flume.channel.MemoryChannel{name: mem1}} }
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Channel mem1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Monitored counter group for type: CHANNEL, name: mem1: Successfully
registered new MBean.
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Component type: CHANNEL, name: mem1 started
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Sink kafka-avro-
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Sink kafka-avro-sink1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Source s1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO source.SpoolDirectorySource:
SpoolDirectorySource source starting with directory:
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Monitored counter group for type: SOURCE, name: s1: Successfully
registered new MBean.
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Component type: SOURCE, name: s1 started
16/05/14 00:21:49 WARN source.SpoolDirectorySource: The channel is
full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after
250 milliseconds
16/05/14 00:21:49 INFO avro.ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader: Last
read was never committed - resetting mark position.
16/05/14 00:21:49 WARN source.SpoolDirectorySource: The channel is
full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after
500 milliseconds`
我已经为类似问题搜索了几个小时,但没有成功。一个有点令人恼火的问题是 https://flume.apache.org/ is so full of text that it basically gets indexed by google for pretty much anything flume related. So a search on "flume channel is always full" for example will invariably give https://flume.apache.org/ 作为第一结果。
xmx 是示例选项,您可以逐渐增加并根据您的代理数量 运行 查看内存分配的最佳值。
flume-ng agent -n $agentnumber -c ../../config/conf/ -f ../../config/conf/youragentconf.conf -Xmx3g
此外,您还需要查看代理配置文件中的其他配置参数,参考this Memory channel from Flume Guide。
我的 Flume 内存通道有问题。我 运行 一个 Flume 代理,它淹没了内存通道并且日志开始溢出 "The channel is full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after 250 milliseconds"
到目前为止一切顺利。我停止代理,编辑 flume.conf 以增加容量并重试。问题是在启动时 Flume 已经溢出相同的消息:
`16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting new configuration:
{ sourceRunners:{s1=EventDrivenSourceRunner: { source:Spool
Directory source s1: { spoolDir: /home/vagrant/logs } }}
sinkRunners:{kafka-avro-sink2=SinkRunner: {
counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } }, kafka-avro-
sink1=SinkRunner: {
counterGroup:{ name:null counters:{} } }} channels:
{mem1=org.apache.flume.channel.MemoryChannel{name: mem1}} }
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Channel mem1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Monitored counter group for type: CHANNEL, name: mem1: Successfully
registered new MBean.
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Component type: CHANNEL, name: mem1 started
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Sink kafka-avro-
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Sink kafka-avro-sink1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO node.Application: Starting Source s1
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO source.SpoolDirectorySource:
SpoolDirectorySource source starting with directory:
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Monitored counter group for type: SOURCE, name: s1: Successfully
registered new MBean.
16/05/14 00:21:48 INFO instrumentation.MonitoredCounterGroup:
Component type: SOURCE, name: s1 started
16/05/14 00:21:49 WARN source.SpoolDirectorySource: The channel is
full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after
250 milliseconds
16/05/14 00:21:49 INFO avro.ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader: Last
read was never committed - resetting mark position.
16/05/14 00:21:49 WARN source.SpoolDirectorySource: The channel is
full, and cannot write data now. The source will try again after
500 milliseconds`
我已经为类似问题搜索了几个小时,但没有成功。一个有点令人恼火的问题是 https://flume.apache.org/ is so full of text that it basically gets indexed by google for pretty much anything flume related. So a search on "flume channel is always full" for example will invariably give https://flume.apache.org/ 作为第一结果。
尝试使用如下示例: xmx 是示例选项,您可以逐渐增加并根据您的代理数量 运行 查看内存分配的最佳值。
flume-ng agent -n $agentnumber -c ../../config/conf/ -f ../../config/conf/youragentconf.conf -Xmx3g
此外,您还需要查看代理配置文件中的其他配置参数,参考this Memory channel from Flume Guide。