
Does a static readonly field have only a single copy in memory?



class A{
  static readonly SomeType foo;
  static A(){
    foo = new SomeType();


来自 ECMA-335(强调我的)

I.8.4.3 Static fields and static methods

Types can declare locations that are associated with the type rather than any particular value of the type. Such locations are static fields of the type. As such, static fields declare a location that is shared by all values of the type. Just like non-static (instance) fields, a static field is typed and that type never changes. Static fields are always restricted to a single application domain basis (see § I.12.5 ), but they can also be allocated on a per-thread basis.

ThreadStaticAttribute 允许在每个线程的基础上进行静态分配。

对于大多数常见用途,您的代码段中只有一个 foo 引用的 SomeType 实例。
