r 运行 lm 选定变量

r run lm on selected variables

我有大约 26 个变量需要 运行 分析如下:


如何避免写 26 次并轻松地对变量 1 - 26 进行相同的分析?


a <- regsubsets(Fertility ~., data=swiss, nbest=1000, method="exhaustive, intercept=F, really.big=T)
b <- summary(a)[[1]] # return matrix with different combinations
b[1:15, ]

  Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
1       FALSE       FALSE     FALSE    FALSE             TRUE
1        TRUE       FALSE     FALSE    FALSE            FALSE
1       FALSE        TRUE     FALSE    FALSE            FALSE
1       FALSE       FALSE     FALSE     TRUE            FALSE
1       FALSE       FALSE      TRUE    FALSE            FALSE
2       FALSE       FALSE      TRUE    FALSE             TRUE
2        TRUE       FALSE     FALSE    FALSE             TRUE
2       FALSE        TRUE     FALSE    FALSE             TRUE
2       FALSE       FALSE     FALSE     TRUE             TRUE
2        TRUE        TRUE     FALSE    FALSE            FALSE
2        TRUE       FALSE      TRUE    FALSE            FALSE
2       FALSE        TRUE     FALSE     TRUE            FALSE
2        TRUE       FALSE     FALSE     TRUE            FALSE
2       FALSE        TRUE      TRUE    FALSE            FALSE
2       FALSE       FALSE      TRUE     TRUE            FALSE

forms <-lapply(1:nrow(b), function(x)as.formula(paste("Fertility ~", paste(names(which(b[x,])), collapse="+"))))
Fertility ~ Infant.Mortality
<environment: 0x00000000199a6af0>

Fertility ~ Agriculture
<environment: 0x00000000199aa5c8>

Fertility ~ Examination
<environment: 0x00000000199ad140>

Fertility ~ Catholic
<environment: 0x00000000199afcb8>

Fertility ~ Education
<environment: 0x00000000199b3790>

Fertility ~ Education + Infant.Mortality
<environment: 0x00000000199b6308>


library(dplyr) # loading this to make use of select & magrittr pipes
pred <- swiss %>% select(Agriculture:Infant.Mortality)  %>% names
all.terms <- as.formula(paste("Fertility", paste(pred, collapse="*"), sep="~"))
mods<-regsubsets(all.terms, data=swiss, nbest=1000, method="exhaustive", intercept=F, really.big=T)
b <- summary(mods)[[1]] 
 logi [1:6496, 1:31] FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : chr [1:6496] "1" "1" "1" "1" ...
  ..$ : chr [1:31] "Agriculture" "Examination" "Education" "Catholic" ...
# i.e. 6496 combinations based on 31 variables based from 5 fixed factors and different interaction combinations

我会使用一个列表来存储所有的 ouctomes 以便于进一步操作(总结,系数提取......) 要尝试的东西:
