使用 Xamarin 表单构建 Watch OS2 应用程序

Building a Watch OS2 application using Xamarin forms

根据 Xamarin 文档,Watch OS2 仅在模拟器上受支持,设备支持的更新仍在等待中。


是否可以在 Xcode 中以某种方式在 Xamarin 和 WatchApp 中构建应用程序?

参考:Xamarin.iOS 9.3 preview #3 for tvOS and WatchOS 2.0 in Visual Studio

May 14 2016

I'll copy a comment from another thread for cross-referencing here:

I asked the team about this. Updating the watchOS 2 preview to add bitcode support is a high priority. It is among the top priorities the engineering team will be working on after this week's Evolve conference. Apple's recent announcement that watchOS 2 will be required for all new watchOS app submissions starting in June is definitely on the minds of the engineering team.

希望在 5 月底之前可以提供支持 bitcode 的预览,但该团队仍然担心任何可能改变该时间表的意外并发症。