
Simplest way for PyQT Threading

我在 PyQt 中有一个带有函数 addImage(image_path) 的 GUI。很容易想象,当一个新图像应该被添加到一个 QListWidget 中时它被调用。为了检测文件夹中的新图像,我使用 threading.Threadwatchdog 来检测文件夹中的文件更改,然后该线程直接调用 addImage

出于线程安全的原因,这会产生 QPixmap 不应在 gui 线程外调用的警告。

使这个线程安全的最好和最简单的方法是什么?问线程?信号/槽? QMetaObject.invokeMethod?我只需要将一个字符串从线程传递到 addImage.

我认为最好的方法是使用 signal/slot 机制。这是一个例子。 (注意:请参阅下面的 EDIT,它指出了我的方法中可能存在的弱点)。

from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore

# Create the class 'Communicate'. The instance
# from this class shall be used later on for the
# signal/slot mechanism.

class Communicate(QtCore.QObject):
    myGUI_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)

''' End class '''

# Define the function 'myThread'. This function is the so-called
# 'target function' when you create and start your new Thread.
# In other words, this is the function that will run in your new thread.
# 'myThread' expects one argument: the callback function name. That should
# be a function inside your GUI.

def myThread(callbackFunc):
    # Setup the signal-slot mechanism.
    mySrc = Communicate()

    # Endless loop. You typically want the thread
    # to run forever.
        # Do something useful here.
        msgForGui = 'This is a message to send to the GUI'
        # So now the 'callbackFunc' is called, and is fed with 'msgForGui'
        # as parameter. That is what you want. You just sent a message to
        # your GUI application! - Note: I suppose here that 'callbackFunc'
        # is one of the functions in your GUI.
        # This procedure is thread safe.

    ''' End while '''

''' End myThread '''

在您的 GUI 应用程序代码中,您应该创建新线程,为其提供正确的回调函数,并使其成为 运行。

from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore
import sys
import os

# This is the main window from my GUI

class CustomMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomMainWindow, self).__init__()
        self.setGeometry(300, 300, 2500, 1500)
        self.setWindowTitle("my first window")
        # ...


    def theCallbackFunc(self, msg):
        print('the thread has sent this message to the GUI:')


    def startTheThread(self):
        # Create the new thread. The target function is 'myThread'. The
        # function we created in the beginning.
        t = threading.Thread(name = 'myThread', target = myThread, args = (self.theCallbackFunc))


''' End CustomMainWindow '''

# This is the startup code.

if __name__== '__main__':
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    myGUI = CustomMainWindow()

''' End Main '''


先生three_pineapples 和 Brendan Abel 先生指出了我方法中的一个弱点。事实上,该方法适用于这种特殊情况,因为您直接生成/发射信号。当您处理按钮和小部件上的内置 Qt 信号时,您应该采用另一种方法(如 Brendan Abel 先生的回答所述)。

先生three_pineapples 建议我在 Whosebug 中开始一个新主题,以比较使用 GUI 进行线程安全通信的几种方法。我会深入研究此事,明天再做:-)

您应该使用 Qt 提供的内置 QThread。您可以将文件监控代码放在继承自 QObjectworker class 中,以便它可以使用 Qt Signal/Slot 系统在两者之间传递消息线程。

class FileMonitor(QObject):

    image_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)

    def monitor_images(self):
        # I'm guessing this is an infinite while loop that monitors files
        while True:
            if file_has_changed:

class MyWidget(QtGui.QWidget):

    def __init__(self, ...)
        self.file_monitor = FileMonitor()
        self.thread = QtCore.QThread(self)

    def image_callback(self, filepath):
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(filepath)