如何制作在 NGSIv1 中通知 cygnus 的 Orion NGSIv2 订阅?

How to make an Orion NGSIv2 subscription that notifies cygnus in NGSIv1?

编辑 2

curl  --include \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --request POST \
      --data-binary '{
                       "description": "Day subscription",
                       "subject": {
                         "entities": [
                             "idPattern": "es-leon-.*",
                             "type": "Event"
                         "condition": {
                           "attrs": [
                           "expression": {
                             "q": "dFlag>0"
                       "notification": {
                         "http": {
                             "url" : "http://localhost:5050/notify"
                         "attrs": [
                     }' \

在 Orion 中,订阅注册正常(感谢评论中的提示)但我遇到了与 中所述相同的问题,即使我使用 "attrsFormat":"legacy" 我做错了什么?为什么 orion 不使用 ngsiv1 向 cygnus 发送通知?

The cygnus error trace.


    "subscriptionId": "574315e77775f31b8d3da719",
    "data": [{
        "id": "es-leon-0",
        "type": "Event",
        "Title": {
            "type": "none",
            "value": "pepe",
            "metadata": {}
        "dFlag": {
            "type": "text",
            "value": "1",
            "metadata": {}

当它必须在 ngsiv1 中响应以下行时:

    "subscriptionId": "5743178d7775f31b8d3da71a",
    "originator": "localhost",
    "contextResponses": [{
        "contextElement": {
            "type": "Event",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "id": "es-leon-0",
            "attributes": [{
                "name": "Title",
                "type": "text",
                "value": "pep"
            }, {
                "name": "dFlag",
                "type": "text",
                "value": "1"
        "statusCode": {
            "code": "200",
            "reasonPhrase": "OK"



EDIT: note also that you can use NGSIv2 to create/update entities at Orion and have notifications in NGSIv1 if you:

Create the subscription using NGSIv1 operations

Create the subscription using NGSIv2 operations with attrsFormat equal to legacy. Have a look to more detailed information here.


curl  --include \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --request POST \
      --data-binary '{
                       "description": "Day subscription",
                       "subject": {
                         "entities": [
                             "idPattern": "es-leon-.*",
                             "type": "Event"
                         "condition": {
                           "attributes": [
                           "expression": {
                             "q": "dFlag > 0"
                       "notification": {
                         "callback": "http://localhost:5050/notify",
                         "attributes": [
                     }' \

但是 orion 不让我注册它并引发此错误:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 67
Content-Type: application/json
Fiware-Correlator: 2ecdfc74-1c2f-11e6-82d7-000d3a23bf27
Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 12:59:25 GMT

{"error":"BadRequest","description":"no condition attrs specified"}

这是使用遗留属性的方式,以便它可以与带有 NGSIv2 的 cygnus 一起使用吗? 感谢您的帮助。

编辑 1:


curl  --include \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --request POST \
      --data-binary '{
                       "description": "Day subscription",
                       "subject": {
                         "entities": [
                             "idPattern": "es-leon-.*",
                             "type": "Event"
                         "condition": {
                           "attributes": [
                           "expression": {
                             "q": "dFlag > 0"
                       "notification": {
                         "http": {
                             "url" : "http://localhost:5050/notify"
                         "attributes": [
                     }' \


HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 67
Content-Type: application/json
Fiware-Correlator: 60a0a1d2-1ddf-11e6-8bd6-000d3a23bf27
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 16:33:11 GMT

{"error":"BadRequest","description":"no condition attrs specified"}

使用 attrs 而不是 attributes(在 subject.conditionsnotification 中)。

此外,请注意 callback 已不再使用。您必须使用:

"notification": {
  "http": {
    "url": "http://localhost:5050/notify"

此外,如果您希望通知使用 NGSIv1 格式,您应该在 notification 中包含值为 legacyattrsFormat 字段,如 the documentation.[=34 中所述=]

最后,请注意,正确的操作 URL 是 /v2/subscriptions,而不是您示例中显示的 /v1/subscriptions

EDIT 1: 考虑到问题中 EDIT 1 部分的新有效负载,请注意:

  • 您应该在 condition 中使用 attrs,而不是 attributes(错误消息对此有抱怨)

  • 您应该在 notification 中使用 attrs,而不是 attributes

  • 您应该使用 "q": "dFlag>0"(即查询字符串中没有空格)。查看 NGSIv2 specification 中的示例:


"expression": {
  "q": "temperature>40"

编辑 2: Orion 1.2 之前的版本在 notification 字段之外使用 attrsFormat。因此,如果您使用的是 Orion 1.1,请尝试使用 "attrsFormat": "legacy" 作为订阅负载中的第一级字段 JSON.