每日倒数计时器 - 在 21:57 显示消息

Daily countdown timer - Display Message at 21:57

我正在努力弄清楚 Date() 是如何工作的,我在网上找到了这个,我想做一个在 21:57 UTC 时间停止的倒计时。它当前在 21:00 处显示消息并一直显示到 22:00。

我尝试添加 if(currenthours != 21 && currentminutes >= 57){ 并且总是破坏它并收到消息。我希望它在 22:00 前 3 分钟停止并显示消息。在到达 22:00 后,第二天在 21:57 重新开始倒计时。


var date;
var display = document.getElementById('time'); 

  date = new Date( );
  var currenthours = date.getUTCHours();
  // alert(currenthours);
  var currentminutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
  // alert(currentminutes);
  var hours;
  var minutes;
  var secondes;
  if (currenthours != 21) {

    if (currenthours < 21) {
      hours = 20 - currenthours;
    } else {
      hours = 21 + (24 - currenthours);
    minutes = 60 - date.getUTCMinutes();
    secondes = 60 - date.getUTCSeconds();
    display.innerHTML = ('00' + hours).slice(-2) + ' HOURS ' + '<p>' + 
                        ('00' + minutes).slice(-2) + ' MINUTES ' + '</p>' +
                        ('00' + secondes).slice(-2) + ' SECONDS';
  } else {
    display.innerHTML =  "IT'S 21:57";
<div id='time'></div>

做了一个fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/5qrs0tcp/1/


    |         COUNTDOWN TIMER        |

    // Return the UTC time component of a date in h:mm:ss.sss format
    if (!Date.prototype.toISOTime) {
      Date.prototype.toISOTime = function() {
        return this.getUTCHours() + ':' + 
               ('0' + this.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2) + ':' +
               ('0' + this.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2);

    // Return the difference in time between two dates
    // in h:mm:ss.sss format
    if (!Date.prototype.timeDiff) {
      Date.prototype.timeDiff = function(date2) {
        var diff = Math.abs(this - date2);
        return timeobj = {
              hours   : (diff/3.6e6|0),                                    // hours
              minutes : ('0' + ((diff%3.6e6)/6e4|0)).slice(-2),            // minutes
              seconds : ('0' + ((diff%6e4)/1e3|0)).slice(-2)               // seconds

    function countDown() {
      var now = new Date();
      var limitHr  = 19;
      var limitMin = 55;
      var limitDate = new Date(+now);
      // Set limitDate to next limit time
      limitDate.setUTCHours(limitHr, limitMin, 0, 0);

      // var msg = ['Currently: ' + now.toISOTime() + '<br>' + 'Limit: ' + limitDate.toISOTime()];
      var msg = [];
      var diff;

      // If outside limitHr:limitMin to (limitHr + 1):00
      if (now.getUTCHours() == limitHr && now.getUTCMinutes() >= limitMin) {
         msg.push('Countdown stopped'); 

        msg = ['Wait for it'];

        var jsonCounter = {
            stats          : msg

        jsonfile.writeFileSync(DailyGamePath, jsonCounter, {spaces: 3});

         var jsonCounter = {
             stats          : msg

         jsonfile.writeFileSync(DailyGamePath, jsonCounter, {spaces: 3});

      } else {

        if (now > limitDate) limitDate.setDate(limitDate.getDate() + 1);

        var jsonCounter = {
            hours      : now.timeDiff(limitDate).hours,
            minutes    : now.timeDiff(limitDate).minutes,
            seconds    : now.timeDiff(limitDate).seconds,
            validating : msg
        jsonfile.writeFileSync(DailyGamePath, jsonCounter, {spaces: 3});


     setInterval(countDown, 1000);

    var daily_status;
    setTimeout( function(){
    setInterval( function() {
    jsonfile.readFile(DailyGamePath, (err, obj) => {
          hours: obj.hours,
          minutes: obj.minutes,
          seconds: obj.seconds,
          stats: obj.stats,
          validating: obj.validating
        return daily_status;
    }, 1000);
    }, 3000);

    setTimeout( function(){
    io.sockets.on('connection', (socket) => {
       setInterval( function() {
          // var GameStatus=DailyGameStatus();
          socket.broadcast.emit('stream', {hours:daily_status.hours, minutes:daily_status.minutes, seconds:daily_status.seconds, stats:daily_status.stats, validating:daily_status.validating});
       }, 1000);
    }, 3000);



if (currenthours != 21 && currentminutes < 57) {
  // set the out of hours message
} else {
  // time is from 21:57 to 21:59 inclusive

倒计时不太有效,因为您数到 00 而不是 57,但除此之外似乎没有问题。

var date;
var display = document.getElementById('time'); 

  date = new Date( );
  var currenthours = date.getUTCHours();
  var currentminutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
  var hours;
  var minutes;
  var secondes;
  var limitHr = 5;    // Change these to required values 
  var limitMin = 02;  // Using 5:12 for convenience
  var message  = 'Currently: ' + date.toISOString() + '<p>';

  // Create new message if outside limitHr:limitMin to limitHr:59 inclusive
  if (currenthours != limitHr || currentminutes < limitMin) {

    if (currenthours <= limitHr) {
      hours = limitHr - currenthours;
    } else {
      hours = limitHr + (24 - currenthours);
    minutes  = limitMin - date.getUTCMinutes();
    minutes += minutes < 0? 60 : 0; 
    secondes = 60 - date.getUTCSeconds();
    message += ('00' + hours).slice(-2) + ' HOURS ' + '<p>' + 
               ('00' + minutes).slice(-2) + ' MINUTES ' + '</p>' +
               ('00' + secondes).slice(-2) + ' SECONDS';
  } else {
    message += 'It\'s on or after ' + limitHr + ':' + 
                ('0'+limitMin).slice(-2) + ' GMT';
  // Display the message
  display.innerHTML =  message;
<div id="time"></div>

是的,计时器有问题,但这不是问题的一部分。对于计数器,只在时差中工作更简单,所以我在 Date.prototype 中添加了一些方法用于 ISO 时间(与 ISO 日期一致)和时差,然后使用这些函数。


// Return the UTC time component of a date in h:mm:ss.sss format
if (!Date.prototype.toISOTime) {
  Date.prototype.toISOTime = function() {
    return this.getUTCHours() + ':' + 
           ('0' + this.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2) + ':' +
           ('0' + this.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2) + '.' +
           ('00' + this.getUTCMilliseconds()).slice(-3) + 'Z';

// Return the difference in time between two dates
// in h:mm:ss.sss format
if (!Date.prototype.timeDiff) {
  Date.prototype.timeDiff = function(date2) {
    var diff = Math.abs(this - date2);
    var sign = this > date2? '+' : '-';
    return sign + (diff/3.6e6|0) + ':' +                   // hours
           ('0' + ((diff%3.6e6)/6e4|0)).slice(-2) + ':' +  // minutes
           ('0' + ((diff%6e4)/1e3|0)).slice(-2) + '.' +    // seconds
           ('00' + (diff%1e3)).slice(-3);                  // milliseconds

function countDown() {
  var now = new Date();
  var limitHr  = 1;
  var limitMin = 10;
  var limitDate = new Date(+now);
  // Set limitDate to next limit time
  limitDate.setUTCHours(limitHr, limitMin, 0, 0);
  var msg = ['Currently: ' + now.toISOTime() + '<br>' + 'Limit: ' + limitDate.toISOTime()];
  var diff;

  // If outside limitHr:limitMin to (limitHr + 1):00
  if (now.getUTCHours() != limitHr || now.getUTCMinutes() != limitMin) {
    if (now > limitDate) limitDate.setDate(limitDate.getDate() + 1);
  } else {
    msg.push('It\'s after ' + limitHr + ':' + ('0'+limitMin).slice(-2));
  document.getElementById('msgDiv2').innerHTML = msg.join('<br>');

window.onload = function() {
 setInterval(countDown, 1000);
<div id="msgDiv2"></div>>


我已经使用 setInterval 保留了计时器,但我更喜欢使用 setTimeout 并手动计算下一个整秒之后的时间,这样它就不会跳过。大多数使用 setTimeout 的浏览器会慢慢漂移,以至于它们时不时地跳过一秒钟。除非您碰巧看到它,或者将其与系统时钟的滴答声进行比较,否则这不是真正的问题。