使用 jetty-runner 服务网络共享目录

serve network share directory with jetty-runner

我需要通过 Web URL 使我的网络共享文件夹可用。我正在使用 jetty runner 来提供目录。

我的网络共享是 \nas01.internal.local 我可以在文件资源管理器中使用此路径 browse\copy\delete files.I 需要通过网络访问它 URl.

有了 jetty-runner,我可以通过 http://localhost:8080

使 d:\ 可用
java -jar jetty-runner.jar d:\


java -jar jetty-runner.jar \nas01.internal.local


2016-05-18 08:18:47.530:INFO::main: Logging initialized @228ms
2016-05-18 08:18:47.561:INFO:oejr.Runner:main: Runner
java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: \nas01.internal.local
        at java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URL.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource.newResource(Resource.java:16
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource.newResource(Resource.java:14
        at org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner.configure(Runner.java:418)
        at org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner.main(Runner.java:556)
Usage: java [-Djetty.home=dir] -jar jetty-runner.jar [--help|--version] [ server
 opts] [[ context opts] context ...]
Server opts:
 --version                           - display version and exit
 --log file                          - request log filename (with optional 'yyyy
_mm_dd' wildcard
 --out file                          - info/warn/debug log filename (with option
al 'yyyy_mm_dd' wildcard
 --host name|ip                      - interface to listen on (default is all in
 --port n                            - port to listen on (default 8080)
 --stop-port n                       - port to listen for stop command
 --stop-key n                        - security string for stop command (require
d if --stop-port is present)
 [--jar file]*n                      - each tuple specifies an extra jar to be a
dded to the classloader
 [--lib dir]*n                       - each tuple specifies an extra directory o
f jars to be added to the classloader
 [--classes dir]*n                   - each tuple specifies an extra directory o
f classes to be added to the classloader
 --stats [unsecure|realm.properties] - enable stats gathering servlet context
 [--config file]*n                   - each tuple specifies the name of a jetty
xml config file to apply (in the order defined)
Context opts:
 [[--path /path] context]*n          - WAR file, web app dir or context xml file
, optionally with a context path


我认为在这种情况下最好的是 "mounting" \nas01.internal.local 到一些本地驱动器(比如 Z:)并将码头指向 运行。

此安装是在 OS 级别完成的,因此从 Java 应用程序的角度来看,驱动器的行为就像本地驱动器一样。

否则, 因为原因是为了与 NAS 通信,仅使用 Java 内置的 URL 是不够的,您必须实施一些协议(或更好地使用第三方)