是否有像 Levenshtein Distance 这样专门针对一组有序字符的模糊搜索算法?
Is there an algorithm for fuzzy search like Levenshtein Distance specialised for a set of ordered character?
我找到了一个算法(在 https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance 上),在阅读了更多关于 levenshtein 的内容后,我明白如果这些字符串严格由 ascii 组成,应该有更好的方法来告诉两个字符串的编辑距离-按字母顺序排列且唯一的字符。
意思是,对于每个 a 和 b,如 a < b,a 将先于 b,并且对于每个 a、b 和 c,如 a < b < c,如果一个字符串读作ac,另一个读作ab,那么肯定知道第一个不包含b。
如果有用的话,我用来组织角色的 class 是角色树集。
/** returns the cost of the difference between a tested CharSequence and a target CharSequence. CS = CharSequence
* @param tested input, the CS which will be compared to the target. all letters sorted by ASCII order and unique
* @param target is the CS to which the tested will be compared. all letters sorted by ASCII order and unique
* @param positiveDifferenceCost is the cost to add when a letter is in the tested CS but not in the target.
* @param negativeDifferenceCost is the cost to add when a letter is in the target CS but not in the tested.
* @return int the number of differences.
public static int oneSidedOAUDistance(final CharSequence tested, final CharSequence target,
final int positiveDifferenceCost, final int negativeDifferenceCost) {
int diffCount = 0;
int index_tested = 0;
int index_target = 0;
if (positiveDifferenceCost == 0 && negativeDifferenceCost == 0)
return 0;
for (; index_tested < tested.length() && index_target < target.length(); ) {
if (tested.charAt(index_tested) == target.charAt(index_target)) {
if (tested.charAt(index_tested) < target.charAt(index_target)) {
//some letters should not be there in tested string.
diffCount+= positiveDifferenceCost;
} else {
//some letters miss in tested string.
return diffCount;
我找到了一个算法(在 https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance 上),在阅读了更多关于 levenshtein 的内容后,我明白如果这些字符串严格由 ascii 组成,应该有更好的方法来告诉两个字符串的编辑距离-按字母顺序排列且唯一的字符。
意思是,对于每个 a 和 b,如 a < b,a 将先于 b,并且对于每个 a、b 和 c,如 a < b < c,如果一个字符串读作ac,另一个读作ab,那么肯定知道第一个不包含b。
如果有用的话,我用来组织角色的 class 是角色树集。
这是我想出的解决方案: 我将它与值一起使用: 测试字符串,字符串目标,1、0。
/** returns the cost of the difference between a tested CharSequence and a target CharSequence. CS = CharSequence
* @param tested input, the CS which will be compared to the target. all letters sorted by ASCII order and unique
* @param target is the CS to which the tested will be compared. all letters sorted by ASCII order and unique
* @param positiveDifferenceCost is the cost to add when a letter is in the tested CS but not in the target.
* @param negativeDifferenceCost is the cost to add when a letter is in the target CS but not in the tested.
* @return int the number of differences.
public static int oneSidedOAUDistance(final CharSequence tested, final CharSequence target,
final int positiveDifferenceCost, final int negativeDifferenceCost) {
int diffCount = 0;
int index_tested = 0;
int index_target = 0;
if (positiveDifferenceCost == 0 && negativeDifferenceCost == 0)
return 0;
for (; index_tested < tested.length() && index_target < target.length(); ) {
if (tested.charAt(index_tested) == target.charAt(index_target)) {
if (tested.charAt(index_tested) < target.charAt(index_target)) {
//some letters should not be there in tested string.
diffCount+= positiveDifferenceCost;
} else {
//some letters miss in tested string.
return diffCount;