python 使用 lmfit 的 2 个峰值洛伦兹拟合问题

python 2 peak lorentzian fitting issues using lmfit

import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, ExponentialModel, LorentzianModel, VoigtModel
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import leastsq


def readfio(filename):
READ *.fio file into dictionary of arrays
    cols = []
# Open file
    f = open(filename +'.fio')
    counter = 0
    for n, line in enumerate(f):
        if line.strip().startswith('Col'):
            linestoskip = n +  1
            cols.append(line.split()[2]) #To have only the column headers in a list
            counter = counter + 1 #gives the number of columns, in principle it is not necessary
    f.close() # close the file 
    # Read numerical data without header
    #print (cols)
    data = np.genfromtxt(filename+'.fio',skip_header=linestoskip, skip_footer =1)
    return data, cols
def fitting():
    data, cols = readfio(filename)
    x = (2*np.pi/wavelength(energy))*(np.sin(np.radians(data[:,cols.index('om')]))+
    y = data[:,cols.index('signalcounter_atten')]/data[:,cols.index('petra_beamcurrent')]

    exp_mod = ExponentialModel(prefix='exp_')
    pars = exp_mod.guess(y, x=x)

    gauss1  = LorentzianModel(prefix='g1_')
    pars.update( gauss1.make_params())

    pars['g1_center'].set(3.33, min=3.2, max=3.45)
    pars['g1_sigma'].set(0.02, min=0.01)
    pars['g1_amplitude'].set(2000, min=1)

    gauss2  = LorentzianModel(prefix='g2_')


    pars['g2_center'].set(3.59, min=3.45, max=3.7)
    pars['g2_sigma'].set(0.01, min=0.001)
    pars['g2_amplitude'].set(10000, min=1)

    mod = gauss1 + gauss2 + exp_mod

    init = mod.eval(pars, x=x)
    plt.semilogy(x, y)
    plt.semilogy(x, init, 'k--')

    out =, pars, x=x)


    plt.semilogy(x, out.best_fit, 'r-')
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def wavelength(energy):
    h = 6.626e-34  #joules
    c = 2.998e8    #m/sec
    eV = 1.602e-19 #Joules
    wavelength = h*c/(energy*1000*eV)*1e10       
    return wavelength

energy = 10.000 # in KeV    
filename = 'alignment_00241'

我有这个程序可以使用洛伦兹函数来拟合两个峰。但是,我没有得到最合适的。谁能帮我这个。这是我用于拟合的文件。 The data file can be downloaded from this link

我相信您的 y 数据中有 NaN,导致无法拟合。您可能会看到参数值的 NaN。如果是这样,做类似::

for ix in np.where(np.isnan(y)):
    y[ix]  = (y[ix-1] + y[ix+1]) / 2.0
