
State Monad Bind

我想我了解 State Monad 的工作原理。我已经设法编写了一些使用 State Monad 的代码。

我了解 State 的 Monad 实例是如何工作的:

instance Monad (State s) where  
return x = State $ \s -> (x,s)  
(State h) >>= f = State $ \s -> let (a, newState) = h s  
                                    (State g) = f a  
                                in  g newState  


type PeopleStack = [String]

enterClub :: String -> State PeopleStack String
enterClub name = state $ \xs -> (name ++ " entered club", name:xs)

leaveClub :: State PeopleStack String
leaveClub = state $ \(x:xs) -> ("Someone left the club", xs)

clubAction :: State PeopleStack String
clubAction = do
  enterClub "Jose"
  enterClub "Thais"
  enterClub "Manuel"

然而,当我尝试在绑定函数中编写 clubAction 时,我似乎无法让它工作。


let statefulComputation1 = enterClub "Jose"
statefulComputation1 :: State PeopleStack String

runState (statefulComputation1 >>= (enterClub "Manuel") >>= leaveClub) [] 


Couldn't match type ‘StateT
                       PeopleStack Data.Functor.Identity.Identity String’
               with ‘String
                     -> StateT PeopleStack Data.Functor.Identity.Identity a’
Expected type: String
               -> StateT PeopleStack Data.Functor.Identity.Identity a
  Actual type: State PeopleStack String
Relevant bindings include
  it :: (a, PeopleStack) (bound at <interactive>:13:1)
In the second argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘leaveClub’
In the first argument of ‘runState’, namely
  ‘(state1 >>= leaveClub)’

我的问题是如何使用 bind 将 do 表示法转换为函数。

您需要使用 (>>) 而不是 (>>=):

runState (statefulComputation1 >> (enterClub "Manuel") >> leaveClub) []

(enterClub "Manuel") 具有类型 State PeopleStack String(>>=) 需要函数 String -> State PeopleStack a 作为其第二个参数。由于您不使用 statefulComputation1 的结果,您可以将它们与 (>>) 结合使用,这会忽略第一个状态计算的结果。

绑定运算符 (>>=) 右侧的每个项目都需要是 lambda ....,所以这可行

runState (statefulComputation1 >>= \_ -> enterClub "Manuel" >>= \_ -> leaveClub) [] 

或者,您可以使用 shorthand (>>)

runState (statefulComputation1 >> enterClub "Manuel" >> leaveClub) []