scala 列表 LineSegment

scala list LineSegment


例如:点列表 - (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) 线段列表 - ((p1,p2),(p2,p3),(p3,p4),(p4,p5),(p5,p6),(p6,p1))

sealed trait Shape

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape {
//require(x != null & y !=null, "null values for point")

case class LineSegment(point1: Point, point2: Point)  extends Shape {
 require(point1 != point2)

class Group(val children: Shape*) extends Shape {
 require(children != null, "null children in " + getClass.getSimpleName)
 require(!children.contains(null), "null child in " +
 getClass.getSimpleName) }

 object Group {
 def apply(children: Shape*) = new Group(children: _*)
 def unapply(g: Group) = Some(g.children)

 /** A special case of a group consisting only of Points. */
  case class Polygon(override val children: Point*) 
   extends Group(children:   _*){
   require(children != null)

    def findLineSegments(poylgon: Polygon): List[LineSegment] = {
     val points  = children.toList
     val lineSegmentList = points.grouped(2).toList
     return lineSegmentList
    } }

  // polygon example
  val simplePolygon = Polygon(
   Point(50, 50),
   Point(60, 100),
   Point(100, 110),
   Point(120, 60)

我正在定义行为 findLineSegment 以对相应的点进行分组,但我得到的是 List[list(points)].. 如何将此列表转换为 LineSegments 列表?


val rot1 = simplePolygon.drop(1) ++ simplePolygon.take(1)
for ((pi,pj) <- simplePolygon zip rot1) yield LineSegment(pi, pj)


然后通过压缩它们一次遍历这两个列表,并在每个步骤中将两个点关联到一个新的 LineSegment 中。 (这是一个案例class,所以我们实际上在这里调用了伴生对象的apply方法。)

您可以 zip 列表自身的旋转版本,然后映射到 LineSegments:

(points zip ((points drop 1) ::: (points take 1))) map LineSegment.tupled

您可能还对 sliding 方法感兴趣:

points.sliding(2).map { case List(a, b) => LineSegment(a, b) } 
    :+ LineSegment(points.last, points.head)