如何在 swisscom 应用云上创建 Let's Encrypt 证书?

How to create a Let's Encrypt certificate on the swisscom application cloud?

好消息,swisscom 应用云现在支持 Let's Encrypt。但是,按照 documentation 中的步骤,我无法创建证书:

  1. The last step is to actually create the certificate by clicking on the route in the routes sidebar and clicking the lock icon. Then follow the wizard and hit “Create”. This will trigger the creation of an SSL certificate for your route.


要做到这一点,您必须导航到 space 本身,然后打开路线边栏(屏幕右上角的路线指针图标),然后单击相应的路线(选择的应该是以灰色突出显示)。之后您应该能够在路线下方看到锁图标。
