
How to access struct's instance fields from a function?

假设我有一个 Graph 结构,如下所示:

type Graph struct {
    nodes   []int
    adjList map[int][]int

// some methods on the struct

// constructor
func New() *Graph {
    g := new(Graph)
    g.adjList = make(map[int][]int)
    return g

现在,我创建了该结构的一个新实例,其中:aGraph := New()

如何访问 Graph 结构 (aGraph) 的这个特定实例的字段? 换句话说,我如何访问 aGraph 版本的 nodes 数组(例如,从另一个顶级函数中)?



package main

import (

// example struct
type Graph struct {
    nodes   []int
    adjList map[int][]int

func New() *Graph {
    g := new(Graph)
    g.adjList = make(map[int][]int)
    return g

func main() {

    aGraph := New()
    aGraph.nodes = []int {1,2,3}

    aGraph.adjList[0] = []int{1990,1991,1992}
    aGraph.adjList[1] = []int{1890,1891,1892}
    aGraph.adjList[2] = []int{1890,1891,1892}


输出:&{[1 2 3 4 5] 映射[0:[1990 1991 1992] 1:[1890 1891 1892] 2:[1790 1791 1792]]}