bash: 用引号引用 var

bash: quote var with quotes



set -x

logger -t [=11=] -p local3.debug "$*"
#logger -t [=11=] -p local3.debug "$param"
#logger -t [=11=] -p local3.debug "$(echo "$param")"
#logger -t [=11=] -p local3.debug "${param//\"/}"
#logger -t [=11=] -p local3.debug "${param[@]}"


# d-iptables -L dkdsdds "ddd"
+ param='-L dkdsdds ddd'
++ echo '-L dkdsdds ddd'
+ logger -t /usr/sbin/d-iptables -p local3.debug '-L dkdsdds ddd'
logger: invalid option -- L

 logger [options] [message]

 -d, --udp             use UDP (TCP is default)
 -i, --id              log the process ID too
 -f, --file <file>     log the contents of this file
 -h, --help            display this help text and exit
 -n, --server <name>   write to this remote syslog server
 -P, --port <number>   use this UDP port
 -p, --priority <prio> mark given message with this priority
 -s, --stderr          output message to standard error as well
 -t, --tag <tag>       mark every line with this tag
 -u, --socket <socket> write to this Unix socket
 -V, --version         output version information and exit

我建议您将脚本更改为 #!/bin/bash 并使用

logger -t [=10=] -p local3.debug -- "$(printf "%q " "$@")"

您需要 --,因此记录器认为 -L 不是其选项之一。

首先,您将其标记为 bash,但您使用的是 /bin/sh(bourne 或 dash)。接下来,您的记录器正在读取 - 作为参数。只是引用它更好。


set -x
param="\"$@\""     # quotes removed by the shell

logger -t [=10=] -p local3.debug "'$param'"  # expand, then strong quote