Scanner 和 While 循环问题以检查数组列表

Issue with Scanner and While loop to check an arraylist

通常情况下,我可以毫无问题地扫描数组列表中的某些元素。我知道如何构造 while 循环等。但是,在这种情况下,我需要使用扫描仪,但它给我的问题如下所示:



public String checkForBookUsingInfo(){
    int index = 0;
    Book bookObject = null;
    String returnValue = "Book not found";
    String title = "";
    String author = "";
    Boolean isFound = false;
    while (index <bookList.size() && isFound == false ){
        bookObject = bookList.get(index);
        System.out.println("Please enter title of book to search for.");
        String anyTitle =;
        System.out.println("Please enter author of book to search for.");
        String anyAuthor =;
        if ((title.equals(anyTitle)) && (author.equals(anyAuthor))){
            returnValue = "Book is in library.";
    return returnValue;

next() return只有一个标记(单词),因此对于像 The Prince 这样的数据,第一个 next() 将 return "The" 第二个next() 将 return "Prince" (因此它不会等待用户输入,因为它已经有了它的令牌)。

如果您想阅读更多内容,请用 nextLine() 一个字阅读整行。

如果您想在代码中同时使用 next()nextLine(),您应该阅读 Scanner is skipping nextLine() after using next(), nextInt() or other nextFoo() methods


  • 您没有将 isFound 设置为 true 是否会找到书;
  • 你每次迭代书籍时都在询问书名和作者,但你应该在迭代之前知道这些信息,所以也许让用户将这些信息作为方法参数传递。
  • 您正在将用户提供的值与来自 titleauthor 字段的空字符串 ("") 进行比较


class Book{
    private String author;
    private String title;

    //getters and setters

class Library {

    private List<Book> bookList = new ArrayList<Book>();

    public String checkForBookUsingInfo(String author, String title){
        for (Book book : bookList){
            if (book.getAuthor().equals(author) && book.getTitle().equals(title)){
                return "Book is in library.";
        return "Book not found in library";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Scanner keybd = new Scanner(;
        Library library  = new Library();
        //add some books to library

        System.out.println("Please enter title of book to search for.");
        String anyTitle = keybd.nextLine();

        System.out.println("Please enter author of book to search for.");
        String anyAuthor = keybd.nextLine();

        String stateOfBook = library.checkForBookUsingInfo(anyAuthor, anyTitle);


事实证明,另一个答案让我开始思考(我今天还没有这样做)。 显然我在我想要的东西的正确轨道上,我只需要重新安排东西。尽管下面的代码有效,但另一种方法更容易阅读。

public String checkForBookUsingInfo(){
    int index = 0;
    Book bookObject = null;
    String returnValue = "Book not found";
    String title = "";
    String author = "";
    Boolean isFound = false;
    System.out.println("Please enter the name of a book to search for.");
    String anyTitle = keybd.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Please enter the name of an author to search for.");
    String anyAuthor = keybd.nextLine();
    while (index <bookList.size() && isFound == false ){
        bookObject = bookList.get(index);
        title = bookObject.getTitle();
        author = bookObject.getAuthor();
        if ((title.equals(anyTitle)) && (author.equals(anyAuthor))){
            returnValue = "Book is in library.";
    return returnValue;