EC2 上的最大磁盘数

Number of maximum disk on EC2

我正在寻找有关 Amazon EC2 问题的答案。

由于我们可以添加多个大小可达 1TB 的 EBS,那么我可以在单个 EC2 实例上添加多少个?


The maximum number of volumes that your instance can have depends on the operating system. When considering how many volumes to add to your instance, you should consider whether you need increased I/O bandwidth or increased storage capacity.

对于 Linux,显然有一个 40 的软(推荐)限制,而对于 Windows 有一个硬限制,可以是 26 或 17,具体取决于所使用的虚拟化实现.

另请注意 most EBS volumes can be up to 16 TB in size rather than 1 TB, which is a limit that only applies to the legacy magnetic volume type