在 'quanteda' 包中连接 dfm 矩阵

Concatenate dfm matrices in 'quanteda' package



dfm1 <- dfm(c(doc1 = "This is one sample text sample."), verbose = FALSE)
dfm2 <- dfm(c(doc2 = "Surprise! This is one sample text sample."), verbose = FALSE)
rbind(dfm1, dfm2)


'tm' 包可以开箱即用地连接其 dfm 矩阵;对我来说太慢了。

还记得 'quanteda' 中的 'dfm' 是 S4 class。

应该工作 "out of the box",如果您使用的是最新版本:

## [1] ‘’

dfm1 <- dfm(c(doc1 = "This is one sample text sample."), verbose = FALSE)
dfm2 <- dfm(c(doc2 = "Surprise! This is one sample text sample."), verbose = FALSE)

rbind(dfm1, dfm2)
## Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 6 features.
## 2 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dfmSparse"
##      is one sample surprise text this
## doc1  1   1      2        0    1    1
## doc2  1   1      2        1    1    1

另请参阅 ?selectFeatures,其中 features 是 dfm 对象(帮助文件中有示例)。


请注意,这将正确对齐公共特征集中的两个文本,这与矩阵的常规 rbind 方法不同,矩阵的列必须匹配。出于同样的原因,rbind() 实际上在 tm 包中对于具有不同术语的 DocumentTermMatrix 对象不起作用:

dtm1 <- DocumentTermMatrix(Corpus(VectorSource(c(doc1 = "This is one sample text sample."))))
dtm2 <- DocumentTermMatrix(Corpus(VectorSource(c(doc2 = "Surprise! This is one sample text sample."))))
rbind(dtm1, dtm2)
## Error in f(init, x[[i]]) : Numbers of columns of matrices must match.


as.matrix(rbind(c(dtm1, dtm2)))
##     Terms
## Docs one sample sample. text this surprise!
##    1   1      1       1    1    1         0
##    1   1      1       1    1    1         1