即使在 R 中 n=,每个实验的结果也不同,这是怎么回事?

Different result for each experiment even when n= in R, what's wrong?

每次我 运行 下面的代码,我都会得到不同的答案,主要是 1、3、4 或 5。但是,由于我将 n 设置为一毫,我觉得这很奇怪,所以我认为我的代码一定有问题。第一次用R,不知道是数学错误还是编码错误



0天,1人感染;然后 for i = 1, 2, ..., T:

以上停止直到第 T 天,届时不再有感染者。


SampleT <- function(n)
   for (k in 1:n)
      T <- 0 # day 0
      X <- 39 # amount of healthy people
      Y <- 1 # amount of infected people
      cured <- 0 # amount of people cured by doctor
      while(cured < Y)
         T <- T+1 # increase day by 1 in each loop
         infected <- sum((runif(X)<0.15)) # amount of people infected on day T
         X <- X-infected # remaining healthy people
         Y <- 40-X # total amount of people who have been infected at least once so far
         cured <- cured + 5

n <- 1000000000
T <- SampleT(n)

您的 for 循环仅 运行 是第一次迭代。一旦 'return' 在函数内部被击中即结束 - 它 return 是结果并退出函数。如果您计划获得一百万个结果,则需要将这些结果存储在某个地方,然后 return 在循环 运行 之后得到该结果。下面举例说明:

f <- function(n){
  for(i in 1:n){
  # were you thinking it would return all 'n' values?


> f(30)
[1] 1
[1] 1

也尝试使用 apply 函数:

N <- 10000
SampleT <- sapply(1:N, function(n) {
  T <- 0 # day 0
  X <- 39 # amount of healthy people
  Y <- 1 # amount of infected people
  cured <- 0 # amount of people cured by doctor

  while(cured < Y)
    T <- T + 1 # increase day by 1 in each loop

    infected <- sum((runif(X) < 0.15)) # amount of people infected on day T
    X <- X - infected # remaining healthy people
    Y <- Y + infected  # total amount of people who have been infected at least once so far
    cured <- cured + 5
  return (T)
