
Multiplication by constant in fewest adds and shifts

只需使用 Robert Bernstein 的 addition, subtraction and shift. The important part of the procedure is to find the minimal (optimal) sequence of such operations. Using brute force to find the sequence leads to exponential growth of difficulty so various heuristics are used, perhaps the most commonly known is the paper Multiplication by integer constant 就可以将两个数相乘。

Vincent Lefevre 在 Multiplication by an Integer Constant 中给出的乘以 113 的示例:

  3x <-  x << 1 + x
  7x <- 3x << 1 + x
113x <- 7x << 4 + x

我偶然发现了一个非常有趣的 answer,这让我想知道:是否可以使用 Z3(或类似的)来找到将数字乘以给定常数的最小运算符序列?我对所有这些 SAT 和 SMT 都很陌生,所以我不确定它在布尔可满足性问题的背景下是否有意义?

确实可以。但是请注意,问题是 NP-hard。

