psycopg2.InternalError: parse error - invalid geometry

psycopg2.InternalError: parse error - invalid geometry

        x = float(stand[1].split(' ')[0])
        y = float(stand[1].split(' ')[1])
        coordinate = ppygis.Point(x, y)
        coordinate.srid = SRID_WGS84
        # Stand delimiters
        delimiter = []
        line = []

        for i in range(2, len(stand)):
            # The cycle will run through everythin in the stand list
            # But it will only actually do something when it finds a coordinate
            # counter
            if (len(stand[i].split(' ')) == 1):
                # Number of coordinates to process. Adjusted for indexation
                ncoords = int(stand[i]) + 1

                for c in range(i + 1, i + ncoords, 1):
                    x = float(stand[c].split(' ')[0])
                    y = float(stand[c].split(' ')[1])

                    point = ppygis.Point(x, y)
                    point.srid = SRID_WGS84
                line = ppygis.LineString((line))
                line = []
        delimiter = ppygis.MultiLineString((delimiter))
                INSERT INTO taxi_stands(id, name, coordinates, delimiter_geom)
                VALUES(%s, %s, ST_PointFromText(%s), %s);
                """, (taxi_stands_list.index(stand), stand_name, coordinate,

我们正在尝试使用 Python 将 MultiLineString 插入到 PostgreSQL 数据库中。我们正在使用 ppygis 将我们的坐标转换为实际几何图形。支架是要插入的坐标。列表格式如下:

[nº of points in line, x1line1, y1line1, ..., nº of points in line, ...]


psycopg2.InternalError: parse error - invalid geometry
HINT:  "0101000020e6100000645d" <-- parse error at position 22 within geometry
CONTEXT:  SQL function "st_pointfromtext" statement 1

如果我们将 ST_PointFromText 更改为 ST_GeomFromText,则错误为:

psycopg2.InternalError: parse error - invalid geometry
HINT:  "0101000020e6100000645d" <-- parse error at position 22 within geometry

ppygis python 模块也严重缺乏文档,我们不知道是哪个错误。


不要使用 St_PointFromText() because your geometries are already in WKB format (ST_PointFromText requires geometries in WKT 格式)。


                INSERT INTO taxi_stands(id, name, coordinates, delimiter_geom)
                VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s);
                """, (taxi_stands_list.index(stand), stand_name, coordinate,