external hyper link 在 IIS express 中不起作用。我如何让 hyper links 连接到互联网?

external hyper link does not work in IIS express. How do I get hyper links to reach internet?

好的,所以当您在我的网络应用程序中单击超级 link 时,它只会添加到 URL 到最后。像这样 http://localhost:8080/http//:www.youtube.com. I'm using visual studio .net to make web rest APIs. The web app lunches on IIS express 10. the home page URL is http://localhost:8080/index.html.

用户获得 link 次点击 links are populated 用户点击后出错 link error page

        url: "/api/Link/1",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data)
            var array = $.parseJSON(data);
            for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++)
                $("body").append("<a href=\"" + array[i].linkVal+ "\">" + array[i].name + "</a>");
        error: function ()


//rest api called
    public string GetLinkList(int id)
        string json = "[";
        using (StreamReader infile = new StreamReader("C: /Users/jkarp/Documents/visual studio 2015/Projects/Protal/Protal/App_Data/linkObjs.txt"))
            while (!infile.EndOfStream)
                json += infile.ReadLine()+",";
        if(json.Length > 1)
            json = json.Remove(json.Length - 1);
            return json + "]";
        return "[]";

您的 link 格式不正确:




link 将包含在您的数据源 linkObjs.txt 中,在那里修复它,问题就会消失。