启动多个异步任务并在它们完成时处理它们 (C#)
Starting Multiple Async Tasks and Process Them As They Complete (C#)
所以我正在尝试学习如何编写异步方法,并且一直在努力让异步调用工作。似乎总是发生的是代码挂在 "await" 指令上,直到它最终似乎超时并以相同的方法使加载表单崩溃。
- 当非异步且只是一个简单的循环时,代码可以完美运行
- 我几乎一字不差地复制了 MSDN 代码以将代码转换为此处的异步调用:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt674889.aspx
我知道表格上已经有很多关于这个的问题,但我已经完成了其中的大部分,并尝试了很多其他方法(结果相同),现在似乎认为在之后出现了根本性的错误MSDN 代码无效。
// this method loads data from each individual webPage
async Task LoadSymbolData(DoWorkEventArgs _e)
int MAX_THREADS = 10;
int tskCntrTtl = dataGridView1.Rows.Count;
Dictionary<string, string> newData_d = new Dictionary<string, string>(tskCntrTtl);
// we need to make copies of things that can change in a different thread
List<string> links = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.url].Value.ToString()).ToList());
List<string> symbols = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.symbol].Value.ToString()).ToList());
// we need to create a cancelation token once this is working
using (LoadScreen loadScreen = new LoadScreen("Querying stock servers..."))
// we cant use the delegate becaus of async keywords
// wait until the form is loaded so we dont get exceptions when writing to controls on that form
while ( !loadScreen.IsLoaded() );
// load the total number of operations so we can simplify incrementing the progress bar
// on seperate form instances
loadScreen.LoadProgressCntr(0, tskCntrTtl);
// try to run all async tasks since they are non-blocking threaded operations
for (int i = 0; i < tskCntrTtl; i += MAX_THREADS)
List<Task<string[]>> ProcessURL = new List<Task<string[]>>();
List<int> taskList = new List<int>();
// Make a list of task indexs
for (int task = i; task < i + MAX_THREADS && task < tskCntrTtl; task++)
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery =
from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen, links[task], symbols[task]);
// ***Use ToList to execute the query and start the tasks.
List<Task<string[]>> downloadTasks = downloadTasksQuery.ToList();
// ***Add a loop to process the tasks one at a time until none remain.
while (downloadTasks.Count > 0)
// Identify the first task that completes.
Task<string[]> firstFinishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(downloadTasks); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
// ***Remove the selected task from the list so that you don't
// process it more than once.
// Await the completed task.
string[] data = await firstFinishedTask;
if (!newData_d.ContainsKey(data.First()))
newData_d.Add(data.First(), data.Last());
// now we have the dictionary with all the information gathered from teh websites
// now we can add the columns if they dont already exist and load the information
async Task<string[]> QueryHtml(LoadScreen _loadScreen, string _link, string _symbol)
string data = String.Empty;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
string percGrn = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(@class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(@class,'up_g')]//span[2]");
string percRed = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(@class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(@class,'down_r')]//span[2]");
// create somthing we'll nuderstand later
if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)) ||
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)))
throw new Exception();
// adding string to empty gives string
string perc = percGrn + percRed;
bool isNegative = String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn);
double percDouble;
if (double.TryParse(Regex.Match(perc, @"\d+([.])?(\d+)?").Value, out percDouble))
data = (isNegative ? 0 - percDouble : percDouble).ToString();
catch (Exception ex) { }
// update the progress bar...
return new string[] { _symbol, data };
简而言之,当您将异步与任何 'regular' 任务函数结合使用时,您会遇到死锁
解决方案是使用 configureawait
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link).ConfigureAwait(false);
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery = from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen,links[task], symbols[task]);
这里发生的事情是您将 await 范例与三个常规任务处理范例混合在一起。并且那些不混合(或者更确切地说,您必须使用 ConfigureAwait(false) 才能工作。
所以我正在尝试学习如何编写异步方法,并且一直在努力让异步调用工作。似乎总是发生的是代码挂在 "await" 指令上,直到它最终似乎超时并以相同的方法使加载表单崩溃。
- 当非异步且只是一个简单的循环时,代码可以完美运行
- 我几乎一字不差地复制了 MSDN 代码以将代码转换为此处的异步调用:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt674889.aspx
我知道表格上已经有很多关于这个的问题,但我已经完成了其中的大部分,并尝试了很多其他方法(结果相同),现在似乎认为在之后出现了根本性的错误MSDN 代码无效。
// this method loads data from each individual webPage
async Task LoadSymbolData(DoWorkEventArgs _e)
int MAX_THREADS = 10;
int tskCntrTtl = dataGridView1.Rows.Count;
Dictionary<string, string> newData_d = new Dictionary<string, string>(tskCntrTtl);
// we need to make copies of things that can change in a different thread
List<string> links = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.url].Value.ToString()).ToList());
List<string> symbols = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.symbol].Value.ToString()).ToList());
// we need to create a cancelation token once this is working
using (LoadScreen loadScreen = new LoadScreen("Querying stock servers..."))
// we cant use the delegate becaus of async keywords
// wait until the form is loaded so we dont get exceptions when writing to controls on that form
while ( !loadScreen.IsLoaded() );
// load the total number of operations so we can simplify incrementing the progress bar
// on seperate form instances
loadScreen.LoadProgressCntr(0, tskCntrTtl);
// try to run all async tasks since they are non-blocking threaded operations
for (int i = 0; i < tskCntrTtl; i += MAX_THREADS)
List<Task<string[]>> ProcessURL = new List<Task<string[]>>();
List<int> taskList = new List<int>();
// Make a list of task indexs
for (int task = i; task < i + MAX_THREADS && task < tskCntrTtl; task++)
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery =
from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen, links[task], symbols[task]);
// ***Use ToList to execute the query and start the tasks.
List<Task<string[]>> downloadTasks = downloadTasksQuery.ToList();
// ***Add a loop to process the tasks one at a time until none remain.
while (downloadTasks.Count > 0)
// Identify the first task that completes.
Task<string[]> firstFinishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(downloadTasks); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
// ***Remove the selected task from the list so that you don't
// process it more than once.
// Await the completed task.
string[] data = await firstFinishedTask;
if (!newData_d.ContainsKey(data.First()))
newData_d.Add(data.First(), data.Last());
// now we have the dictionary with all the information gathered from teh websites
// now we can add the columns if they dont already exist and load the information
async Task<string[]> QueryHtml(LoadScreen _loadScreen, string _link, string _symbol)
string data = String.Empty;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
string percGrn = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(@class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(@class,'up_g')]//span[2]");
string percRed = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(@class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(@class,'down_r')]//span[2]");
// create somthing we'll nuderstand later
if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)) ||
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)))
throw new Exception();
// adding string to empty gives string
string perc = percGrn + percRed;
bool isNegative = String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn);
double percDouble;
if (double.TryParse(Regex.Match(perc, @"\d+([.])?(\d+)?").Value, out percDouble))
data = (isNegative ? 0 - percDouble : percDouble).ToString();
catch (Exception ex) { }
// update the progress bar...
return new string[] { _symbol, data };
简而言之,当您将异步与任何 'regular' 任务函数结合使用时,您会遇到死锁
解决方案是使用 configureawait
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link).ConfigureAwait(false);
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery = from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen,links[task], symbols[task]);
这里发生的事情是您将 await 范例与三个常规任务处理范例混合在一起。并且那些不混合(或者更确切地说,您必须使用 ConfigureAwait(false) 才能工作。