在哪里添加 java 类 的成员

Where to add members of java classes

实现 class 学生。出于本练习的目的,学生有姓名和测验总分。提供适当的构造函数和方法 getName()addQuiz(int score)getTotalScore()getAverageScore()。要计算后者,您还需要存储学生参加的测验数。


我对分数和名字特别难过。我是将分数同时添加到 Student.javaStudentTester.java 文件中,还是只添加到测试仪中?我想不通。


/** A student has taken a number of quizzes and has an average score 
based on the quizzes that were taken.

public class Student

  private String name;
  private double totalscore;
  private int numquiz;

// Constructs a student object with the name "MccStudent" and with zero total of quiz scores

 public Student(String "mccStudent")
  this.name = studentname;
  numquiz = 0;
  totalscore = 0;


public String getName() 
    return name;

// Adds the number of quizzes taken

public void addQuiz(double quizscore)

 // Returns the total quiz score

public double getTotalScore () 
 return totalscore; 

// Returns the avaerage grade

 public double getAverageScore () 
 return totalscore/numquiz; 

/** Create a class to test the Student class.
public class StudentTester
   Tests the methods of the Student class.

  public static void main(String[] args)

  // Create an object
  Student mccStudent = new Student();




  // Display average quiz score



这里有一些主要问题,其中一个是第一个大括号在声明实例变量后关闭,因此 Student 的其余代码超出了范围。删除第一个右括号,这应该会有所帮助。

另一个问题是您使用构造函数的方式(public Student(String "mccstudents") 的部分)。你需要在那里提供一个变量名,然后每当你创建一个新对象时,你传入一个字符串,它将取代变量名。



您将字段添加到 class 本身 (Student.java)。

只有执行测试的代码才能出现在测试中 class (StudentTester.java)。

首先试着理解什么是Constructor。这是带有很好示例的 oracle 文档:Constructor。我会为你写一个简单的例子。 Student 是具有字符串名称属性的新对象。

public class Student {

  public String name; //name of student

  public Student(String name) {//Constructor for student, receiving name when u create new object Student
    this.name = name; //set received name to this public String name

   * When u call this method you will get inputed name from constructor
   * so if u call Student stud = new Student("John");
   * new Student("John") is constructor!
   * with stud.getName(); you will get "John".
   * This is called getter.
   * @return name of student
  public String getName() {
      return name;