VBA 中的错误 "object required",引用了重复的问题
Error "object required" in VBA , referred to duplicate questions
我的目的是将任务拆分成多个组成任务,发现最重要的 one.The 宏写在 workallotment.xlsm 的 "May" sheet 中,任务在tasks.xlsx
Constituents Constituents Important Imp
Praveen T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1+T2+T3 =T5 T3+T5+T6 =T9 T1 T6
4 3 1 2 8 9
Karthik P1 P2 P3 P4 " among T1,T2,T3- T1 takes more time".its imp
6 3 2 2
Walter c1 c2 c3 c4
1 2 3 4
Arvind g1 g2 g3
2 1 3
Sreelatha h1 h2 h3
2 1 1
Sub workallotment()
Dim workallotmentWB, tasksWB As Workbook
Dim waSheet As Worksheet
Dim str(9) As String
Dim splitArray() As String, S(10) As String
Dim col_new As Integer
Dim wa_nameRng As Range
Dim r As Integer, max As Integer, imps As String
Dim wa_nameRow, wa_firstRow, wa_lastRow As Integer 'work allotment rows
Dim t_firstRow, t_lastrow As Integer 'task rows
Dim curTaskCol As Integer 'current task column
Dim wa_tmpcol As Integer 'work allotment, temp column
Set workallotmentWB = ThisWorkbook
Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
'notes on data structure:
'- tasks workbook:
'first name starts in A1 of "Sheet1"
'- workallotment workbook:
'first name starts in A2 of Sheet named "workallotment"
'tasks are to be written starting in B2
'in Row 1 are headers (number of days)
t_firstRow = 1
wa_firstRow = 2
wa_nameRow = 0
Set waSheet = workallotmentWB.Worksheets("May") ' in this file - workallotment.xlsm
With tasksWB.Worksheets("May") ' in tasks.xlsx which is attached
'finding the last rows
t_lastrow = .Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).row + 1
wa_lastRow = waSheet.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).row
'goes through all the names in tasks_Sheet1
For r = t_firstRow To t_lastrow Step 2
Set wa_nameRng = waSheet.Range("A:A").find(.Range("A" & r).Value, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If Not wa_nameRng Is Nothing Then
wa_nameRow = wa_nameRng.row
curTaskCol = 2
wa_tmpcol = 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value)
For C = 1 To .Cells(r + 1, curTaskCol).Value
waSheet.Cells(wa_nameRow, wa_tmpcol).Value = .Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value
wa_tmpcol = wa_tmpcol + 1
Next C
curTaskCol = curTaskCol + 1
End If
Next r
End With
MsgBox ("done")
For r = t_firstRow To t_lastrow Step 2 ' loop to find importance
col = 2 'setting to initial col
curTaskCol = 17 ' position input - constituent jobs at 17th col in tasks.xls
Do While Not IsEmpty(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value)
str(curTaskCol - 16) = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value
' reading input to first array of string element
substr = Left(str(curTaskCol - 16), Application.WorksheetFunction.find("=", str(curTaskCol - 16)) - 1) ' if T1+T2=T3 it'll look before "=" symbol
MsgBox (substr)
splitArray() = Split(substr, "+") ' if T1+T2 it will be split as T1 & T2
For i = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
S(i + 1) = splitArray(i) ' assigning split elements to string array
Next i
For i = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
col_new = 2 ' checking from 2nd column
Do While Not IsEmpty(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value)
If (S(i + 1) = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value) Then 'initialising max and imps
imps = S(i + 1) ' most important job
max = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value
End If ' maximum time taken for task
col_new = col_new + 1
For j = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
col_new = findcol(S(j + 1), r, tasksWB)
If (max < tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value) Then
max = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value
imps = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value
End If
Next j
Next i
tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol + 6).Value = imps
' assign most IMPORTANT task on 6th column from current column
curTaskCol = curTaskCol + 1 ' RUNTIME ERROR 1004
Next r
End Sub
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB As Workbook) As Integer
Dim col As Integer, addr As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
'Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
addr = col ' if task string is found in column
End If
col = col + 1 ' return column found
findcol = addr
End Function
在 findcol
函数中无法识别,因为它在主进程中被声明为 Private
在模块的顶部声明它,它就会起作用! ;)
在您的主程序 workallotment
中声明了变量 tasksWB
在您的方法中 'findcol' 然后您引用 tasksWB
。看起来您已将这段代码从主过程中提取出来。 tasksWB 仅在 workallot
范围内,因此您需要提供 findcol
我建议您将 tasksWB 作为第三个参数传递给方法。
编辑您对为什么 findcol 没有 return 的评论。 Exit Function
将确保在设置 return 值后立即退出该方法。如果没有这个,你最终会再次要求正确的任务名称。
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB as Workbook) As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
If (S = theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value) Then
findcol = col ' if task string is found in column
Exit Function
End If
'MsgBox ("Enter correct task names") Not sure why this is here.
col = col + 1 ' return column found
End Function
col_new = findcol(S(j + 1), r, tasksWB) ' ERROR line function to find column of task string
这将确保您不会 "leak" 您的变量定义进入全局范围,并且您还确保您的方法不依赖于外部全局变量。
编辑 3:
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB As Workbook) As Integer
Dim col As Integer
'******* you don't need this because you can exit early
'Dim addr As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
'***** THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED because you are using theWB being passed in *****
'Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
'****** this line must use theWB
'If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
'************* you can exit early once you've found what you need.
'addr = col ' if task string is found in column
findcol = col
exit function
End If
col = col + 1 ' return column found
' You can exit early so don't need this.
' findcol = addr
End Function
你可能应该在调用函数时检查值是否 returned 0,例如
new_col = findcol( .... )
if new_col = 0 then
msgbox "couldn't find the column with that str" & S(j + 1)
end if
我的目的是将任务拆分成多个组成任务,发现最重要的 one.The 宏写在 workallotment.xlsm 的 "May" sheet 中,任务在tasks.xlsx
Constituents Constituents Important Imp
Praveen T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T1+T2+T3 =T5 T3+T5+T6 =T9 T1 T6
4 3 1 2 8 9
Karthik P1 P2 P3 P4 " among T1,T2,T3- T1 takes more time".its imp
6 3 2 2
Walter c1 c2 c3 c4
1 2 3 4
Arvind g1 g2 g3
2 1 3
Sreelatha h1 h2 h3
2 1 1
Sub workallotment()
Dim workallotmentWB, tasksWB As Workbook
Dim waSheet As Worksheet
Dim str(9) As String
Dim splitArray() As String, S(10) As String
Dim col_new As Integer
Dim wa_nameRng As Range
Dim r As Integer, max As Integer, imps As String
Dim wa_nameRow, wa_firstRow, wa_lastRow As Integer 'work allotment rows
Dim t_firstRow, t_lastrow As Integer 'task rows
Dim curTaskCol As Integer 'current task column
Dim wa_tmpcol As Integer 'work allotment, temp column
Set workallotmentWB = ThisWorkbook
Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
'notes on data structure:
'- tasks workbook:
'first name starts in A1 of "Sheet1"
'- workallotment workbook:
'first name starts in A2 of Sheet named "workallotment"
'tasks are to be written starting in B2
'in Row 1 are headers (number of days)
t_firstRow = 1
wa_firstRow = 2
wa_nameRow = 0
Set waSheet = workallotmentWB.Worksheets("May") ' in this file - workallotment.xlsm
With tasksWB.Worksheets("May") ' in tasks.xlsx which is attached
'finding the last rows
t_lastrow = .Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).row + 1
wa_lastRow = waSheet.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).row
'goes through all the names in tasks_Sheet1
For r = t_firstRow To t_lastrow Step 2
Set wa_nameRng = waSheet.Range("A:A").find(.Range("A" & r).Value, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If Not wa_nameRng Is Nothing Then
wa_nameRow = wa_nameRng.row
curTaskCol = 2
wa_tmpcol = 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value)
For C = 1 To .Cells(r + 1, curTaskCol).Value
waSheet.Cells(wa_nameRow, wa_tmpcol).Value = .Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value
wa_tmpcol = wa_tmpcol + 1
Next C
curTaskCol = curTaskCol + 1
End If
Next r
End With
MsgBox ("done")
For r = t_firstRow To t_lastrow Step 2 ' loop to find importance
col = 2 'setting to initial col
curTaskCol = 17 ' position input - constituent jobs at 17th col in tasks.xls
Do While Not IsEmpty(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value)
str(curTaskCol - 16) = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol).Value
' reading input to first array of string element
substr = Left(str(curTaskCol - 16), Application.WorksheetFunction.find("=", str(curTaskCol - 16)) - 1) ' if T1+T2=T3 it'll look before "=" symbol
MsgBox (substr)
splitArray() = Split(substr, "+") ' if T1+T2 it will be split as T1 & T2
For i = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
S(i + 1) = splitArray(i) ' assigning split elements to string array
Next i
For i = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
col_new = 2 ' checking from 2nd column
Do While Not IsEmpty(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value)
If (S(i + 1) = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value) Then 'initialising max and imps
imps = S(i + 1) ' most important job
max = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value
End If ' maximum time taken for task
col_new = col_new + 1
For j = LBound(splitArray) To UBound(splitArray)
col_new = findcol(S(j + 1), r, tasksWB)
If (max < tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value) Then
max = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r + 1, col_new).Value
imps = tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, col_new).Value
End If
Next j
Next i
tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(r, curTaskCol + 6).Value = imps
' assign most IMPORTANT task on 6th column from current column
curTaskCol = curTaskCol + 1 ' RUNTIME ERROR 1004
Next r
End Sub
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB As Workbook) As Integer
Dim col As Integer, addr As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
'Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
addr = col ' if task string is found in column
End If
col = col + 1 ' return column found
findcol = addr
End Function
在 findcol
函数中无法识别,因为它在主进程中被声明为 Private
在模块的顶部声明它,它就会起作用! ;)
在您的主程序 workallotment
中声明了变量 tasksWB
在您的方法中 'findcol' 然后您引用 tasksWB
。看起来您已将这段代码从主过程中提取出来。 tasksWB 仅在 workallot
范围内,因此您需要提供 findcol
我建议您将 tasksWB 作为第三个参数传递给方法。
编辑您对为什么 findcol 没有 return 的评论。 Exit Function
将确保在设置 return 值后立即退出该方法。如果没有这个,你最终会再次要求正确的任务名称。
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB as Workbook) As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
If (S = theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value) Then
findcol = col ' if task string is found in column
Exit Function
End If
'MsgBox ("Enter correct task names") Not sure why this is here.
col = col + 1 ' return column found
End Function
来称呼它col_new = findcol(S(j + 1), r, tasksWB) ' ERROR line function to find column of task string
这将确保您不会 "leak" 您的变量定义进入全局范围,并且您还确保您的方法不依赖于外部全局变量。
编辑 3: 你的findcol还是错了。
Public Function findcol(S As String, row As Integer, theWB As Workbook) As Integer
Dim col As Integer
'******* you don't need this because you can exit early
'Dim addr As Integer
col = 2 ' checking from column 2
'***** THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED because you are using theWB being passed in *****
'Set tasksWB = Workbooks.Open("E:/tasks.xlsx")
Do While Not IsEmpty(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)
'****** this line must use theWB
'If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(tasksWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
If (StrComp(Trim(S), Trim(theWB.Worksheets("May").Cells(row, col).Value)) = 0) Then
'************* you can exit early once you've found what you need.
'addr = col ' if task string is found in column
findcol = col
exit function
End If
col = col + 1 ' return column found
' You can exit early so don't need this.
' findcol = addr
End Function
你可能应该在调用函数时检查值是否 returned 0,例如
new_col = findcol( .... )
if new_col = 0 then
msgbox "couldn't find the column with that str" & S(j + 1)
end if