6To5 编译器 - 使用 __proto__ 进行继承
6To5 Compiler - use __proto__ for inheritance
作为 6to5 的输出,我得到了以下代码:
var _inherits = function (subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass);
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
// question is about next row
if (superClass) subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
_inherits(Controller, CoreController);
任何人都可以描述使用什么更新 __proto__
属性?当我尝试 - 它没有任何用处
P.S。 as documentation says proto 应该是对象,但在代码中用于设置函数
Can anybody describe what for used updating __proto__
ES6 规范当 类 相互继承时,生成的构造函数也应该相互继承。 CoreController.isPrototypeOf(Controller)
将产生 true
As i try - it doesn't nothing useful
CoreController.hi = console.log.bind(console, "hello world");
CoreController.hi(); // hello world
Controller.hi(); // error
_inherits(Controller, CoreController);
Controller.hi(); // hello world
documentation says that proto should be object, but in code is used for setting function
分配对象的 __proto__
属性 或使用 ES6 等价物 Object.setPrototypeOf()
Blog post with benchmarks 显示了一些性能影响。
当您这样做时,Firefox 会发出警告:
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly;
instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create
The __proto__ is deadly for the type inference, basically, after doing that
this means that Type Inference is unable to follow any of the properties of
the object as you are changing the underlying object lookup behind his back.
This basically means that every lookup you do on this object or any object
created with this constructor will fallback on a slow path for
reading/writing properties to the object. I might under estimate this
issue, Eric would know better. (ni: efaust)
当您设置 __proto__ 时,您不仅会毁掉任何可能的机会
Ion 对该对象进行了未来优化,但您
TI(有关函数 return 值或 属性 值的信息,
并且可能会使现有的 jitcode 失效。
class Parent {
myMethod() {}
console.log(Parent.prototype.myMethod); // [Function]
console.log(Parent.prototype.hasOwnProperty('myMethod')); // true
console.log(Parent.myMethod); // undefined
class Child extends Parent {}
console.log(Child.prototype.myMethod); // Function
console.log(Child.prototype.hasOwnProperty('myMethod')); // false
console.log(Child.myMethod); // undefined
Parent.myStaticProp = 42;
console.log(Parent.prototype.myStaticProp); // undefined
console.log(Parent.myStaticProp); // 42
console.log(Parent.hasOwnProperty('myStaticProp')); // true
console.log(Child.prototype.myStaticProp); // undefined
console.log(Child.myStaticProp); // 42
console.log(Child.hasOwnProperty('myStaticProp')); // false
Notice how ‘static’ properties are added after extension.
It’s deprecated because it doesn’t give the interpreter a way to know
beforehand that the object (function, in this case) has a different
prototype chain than the standard one. Every JS interpreter implements
it, and that’s because there’s still no perfect agreement on
Object.setPrototypeOf, in fact for performance reasons IMO.
And looks like that 6to5 wants to be as compatible as possible to ES6
semantics, so setting Child.proto to Parent is an acceptable
此外,您可以查看 basarat 中关于变异 [[Prototype]] 和 link 性能的好问题:
Why is mutating the [[prototype]] of an object bad for performance?
作为 6to5 的输出,我得到了以下代码:
var _inherits = function (subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass);
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
// question is about next row
if (superClass) subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
_inherits(Controller, CoreController);
任何人都可以描述使用什么更新 __proto__
属性?当我尝试 - 它没有任何用处
P.S。 as documentation says proto 应该是对象,但在代码中用于设置函数
Can anybody describe what for used updating
ES6 规范当 类 相互继承时,生成的构造函数也应该相互继承。 CoreController.isPrototypeOf(Controller)
将产生 true
As i try - it doesn't nothing useful
CoreController.hi = console.log.bind(console, "hello world");
CoreController.hi(); // hello world
Controller.hi(); // error
_inherits(Controller, CoreController);
Controller.hi(); // hello world
documentation says that proto should be object, but in code is used for setting function
分配对象的 __proto__
属性 或使用 ES6 等价物 Object.setPrototypeOf()
Blog post with benchmarks 显示了一些性能影响。
当您这样做时,Firefox 会发出警告:
mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly;
instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create
The __proto__ is deadly for the type inference, basically, after doing that this means that Type Inference is unable to follow any of the properties of the object as you are changing the underlying object lookup behind his back.
This basically means that every lookup you do on this object or any object created with this constructor will fallback on a slow path for reading/writing properties to the object. I might under estimate this issue, Eric would know better. (ni: efaust)
当您设置 __proto__ 时,您不仅会毁掉任何可能的机会 Ion 对该对象进行了未来优化,但您 还迫使引擎爬行到所有其他部分 TI(有关函数 return 值或 属性 值的信息, 也许)认为他们知道这个对象并告诉他们不要 做出许多假设,这涉及进一步的去优化 并且可能会使现有的 jitcode 失效。
在执行过程中改变对象的原型是 真是一把讨厌的大锤,也是我们必须避免的唯一方法 犯错是为了安全起见,但安全是缓慢的。如果可能,请尝试 直接用你想要的原型链创建。如果我们真的不得不 动态地调配原型链,我不确定我有很好的 关于如何最小化其性能影响的建议 动作。
class Parent {
myMethod() {}
console.log(Parent.prototype.myMethod); // [Function]
console.log(Parent.prototype.hasOwnProperty('myMethod')); // true
console.log(Parent.myMethod); // undefined
class Child extends Parent {}
console.log(Child.prototype.myMethod); // Function
console.log(Child.prototype.hasOwnProperty('myMethod')); // false
console.log(Child.myMethod); // undefined
Parent.myStaticProp = 42;
console.log(Parent.prototype.myStaticProp); // undefined
console.log(Parent.myStaticProp); // 42
console.log(Parent.hasOwnProperty('myStaticProp')); // true
console.log(Child.prototype.myStaticProp); // undefined
console.log(Child.myStaticProp); // 42
console.log(Child.hasOwnProperty('myStaticProp')); // false
Notice how ‘static’ properties are added after extension.
It’s deprecated because it doesn’t give the interpreter a way to know beforehand that the object (function, in this case) has a different prototype chain than the standard one. Every JS interpreter implements it, and that’s because there’s still no perfect agreement on Object.setPrototypeOf, in fact for performance reasons IMO.
And looks like that 6to5 wants to be as compatible as possible to ES6 semantics, so setting Child.proto to Parent is an acceptable tradeoff.
此外,您可以查看 basarat 中关于变异 [[Prototype]] 和 link 性能的好问题: Why is mutating the [[prototype]] of an object bad for performance?