如何在人们不知情的情况下共享 AWS 密钥

How to share the AWS keys without people knowing about it

我有一个用例,其中我安装了 webpagetest http://www.webpagetest.org on EC2 . Now I want to enable autoscaling of the webpagetest AMIs . Now for autoscaling the AMI , I need to mention the AWS secret key and access key here in the configuration. https://github.com/WPO-Foundation/webpagetest/blob/master/www/settings/ec2.ini.sample


现在,我组织中处理 AWS 的团队犹豫要不要给我密钥。


执行此操作的正确方法是创建一个 IAM 角色,并将其分配给 EC2 实例。


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