Oracle Apex 或 ORDS 无法识别图像文件夹

Oracle Apex or ORDS not recognizing images folder

我已经安装了 Oracle Apex 5 并通过 Tomcat 配置了 ORDS,但是我收到如下错误:

There is a problem with your environment because the Application Express files have not been loaded. Please verify that you have copied the images directory to your application server as instructed in the Installation Guide. In addition, please verify that your image prefix path is correct. Your current path is /i/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.

您是否将图像复制到 Tomcat 目录?

•Copy the contents of the <apex directory>/images folder to <Tomcat directory>/webapps/i/.


•<apex directory> is the directory location of the Oracle Application Express distribution.

•<Tomcat directory> is the folder where Apache Tomcat is installed.

Oracle 文档 link: 1.8.4 Configuring Oracle Application Express Images

伙计们,我终于设法解决了这个问题,方法是使用 reset_image_prefix.sql 将默认图像文件夹从 /i/ 更改为 /images/ 并将图像文件夹从 apex 文件夹复制到 webapps