如何配置在 dcm4chee 中收到图像时立即压缩图像

How to configure to immediately compression the image when received it in the dcm4chee

大家,见谅我才刚开始学dcm4chee。我刚刚从 WiKi 阅读了 dcm4chee 压缩服务。它说 The Compression Service supports delayed, lossless compression of received images. This is an alternative to immediately compressing images when received. 所以我知道压缩规则可以触发接收图像的延迟压缩。


这是StoreScp服务的一个参数(所以在jmx控制台中,寻找service=StoreScp)然后设置CompressionRules属性(例如:JPLL 将自动 - 并立即 - 将图像压缩为 JPEG 无损)。 参见 https://dcm4che.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ee2/Storage+SCP