
How to match all occurrences of a word without including delimiters in results

我有一个输入字符串s="blah, blah.blah blah foöblah blah"

考虑将 whitespace,. 作为分隔符,我想匹配 blah 的所有完整单词出现,例如用 x 替换所需的匹配项后,上面的字符串应该类似于 x, x.x x foöblah x

我试过遵循正则表达式 /(?:\s|.|,|^)blah(?=\s|.|,|$)/g 但它有以下问题

  1. 它与 foöblah
  2. 中的 blah 匹配
  3. 它包括与周围定界符的匹配,这是不需要的。 我只想要废话

EDIT#1:输入字符串 s 可以包含重音字符,因此使用单词边界作为正则表达式将不起作用。

使用word boundary \b

Matches a word boundary. A word boundary matches the position where a word character is not followed or preceeded by another word-character. Note that a matched word boundary is not included in the match. In other words, the length of a matched word boundary is zero. (Not to be confused with [\b].)

Examples: /\bm/ matches the 'm' in "moon" ; /oo\b/ does not match the 'oo' in "moon", because 'oo' is followed by 'n' which is a word character; /oon\b/ matches the 'oon' in "moon", because 'oon' is the end of the string, thus not followed by a word character; /\w\b\w/ will never match anything, because a word character can never be followed by both a non-word and a word character.(Taken from here)

s = "blah, blah.blah blah fooblah blah";
  s.replace(/\bblah\b/g, 'x')


使用您自己的正则表达式,您需要通过 \. 转义 .,同时使用 </code> 将添加捕获的组值替换为字符串 <strong><a href="https://regex101.com/r/gX3sT1/1" rel="nofollow">Regex explanation here</a></strong></p> <p><div class="snippet" data-lang="js" data-hide="false" data-console="true"> <div class="snippet-code"> <pre><code>s = "blah, blah.blah blah fooblah blah"; console.log( s.replace(/(\s|\.|,|^)blah(?=\s|\.|,|$)/g, 'x') )

您可以将 /\bblah\b/ 替换为 x

document.writeln('blah, blah.blah blah fooblah blah'.replace(/\bblah\b/g, 'x'));

\b 确保它是单词的开头 结尾。







document.writeln('blah, blah.blah blah! foöblah blah éblah'.replace(/(^|[^\w\x80-\xff])blah(?![\w\x80-\xff])/g, 'x'));

它类似于 Pranav 的解决方案,但会处理所有标点符号,例如blah!