如何将由 ByteArrayOutputStream 表示的单页文档插入到另一个文档中?

How can I insert a single page document represented by an ByteArrayOutputStream into another document?

我是第一次使用 iText,我遇到了这个问题。

我创建了这个 stampaFattureMultiple() 方法,它连接在 ArrayList listaFatture 集合中检索到的一些 PDF 文档。如您所见,PDF 文档存储在由 listaFatture.get(i).getPdf() 表示的 Blob 字段中。好的,这工作正常并且 PDF 文档已正确连接。

public void stampaFattureMultiple(ArrayList<Fattura> listaFatture) {

    ByteArrayOutputStream docPDF = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream currentPdfBAOS = null;

    InputStream blobinstream = null;

    /** The resulting PDF file: */
    String result = "D:/XYZ/fatture-concatenate.pdf";

    // STEP 1 Creazione del documento in formato A4 e senza margini:
    com.itextpdf.text.Document document = new com.itextpdf.text.Document(com.itextpdf.text.PageSize.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    try {
        // STEP 2: Make copies of PDF documents. Documents can be edited after reading and before writing them out
        //PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, pdfResult);
        docPDF = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        //PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, docPDF);

        PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(result));

        // STEP 3:

        // Concatena tutti i PDF delle fatture reperite:
        for (int i = 0; i < listaFatture.size(); i++) {

            // Obtain the current Blob object representing the PDF:
            Blob currentPdfBlob = listaFatture.get(i).getPdf();

            // Put the current PDF Blob content into the current ByteArrayOutputStream:
                blobinstream = currentPdfBlob.getBinaryStream();

                int chunk = 1024;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[chunk];
                int length = -1;

                currentPdfBAOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                while ((length = blobinstream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
                    currentPdfBAOS.write(buffer, 0, length);

            ByteArrayOutputStream currentFatturaTestataBasos = stampaTestataFatturaPdf(listaFatture.get(i));


            // STEP 4: reader for the i document:
            ByteArrayInputStream currentPdfBAIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(currentPdfBAOS.toByteArray());
            PdfReader currentPdfReader = new PdfReader(currentPdfBAIS);

            PdfImportedPage page;
            PdfCopy.PageStamp stamp;

            for (int currentPageIndex = 0; currentPageIndex < currentPdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); ) {

                page = copy.getImportedPage(currentPdfReader, ++currentPageIndex);


    } catch (Exception e) {
    }finally {




  1. 我遍历 listaFatture 集合中的所有文档,并从 Blob[=49= 开始构建相关的 PDF 文档] 对象:

    Blob currentPdfBlob = listaFatture.get(i).getPdf();
  2. 然后我为该文档创建 reader,方法是:

    PdfReader currentPdfReader = new PdfReader(currentPdfBAIS);

    所以我读了这个 reader 然后我复制了文档中的页面。

好的,它工作正常。问题是,在每个文档之前,我必须插入一个特殊页面,该页面是从 stampaTestataFatturaPdf() 方法生成的 return a ByteArrayOutputStream 表示单页文档。

所以我在复制当前 PDF 页面之前插入了这一行:

ByteArrayOutputStream currentFatturaTestataBasos = stampaTestataFatturaPdf(listaFatture.get(i));

但我不知道如何将 currentFatturaTestataBasos 表示的页面插入到我正在生成的文档中。



您可以打开任意数量的 PdfReader。您已经有一个 currentPdfReader,只需打开另一个 PdfReader new PdfReader(currentFatturaTestataBasos.toByteArray()),然后将一个页面和另一个页面添加到 PdfCopy.