Hive SQL:如何查找和标记日期范围内的事件

Hive SQL: How to find and flag occurrence within date range

我下面有一组数据,我需要根据下面的 phone 号码和呼叫日期查找并标记谁在 5 天内回电。我如何在配置单元中执行此操作?谢谢您的帮助。

PhoneNumber CallDate    Callback_Flag
    5713555841  5/6/2016    Yes
    5713555841  5/9/2016    No
    5713555841  5/19/2016   No
    5714390412  1/15/2016   Yes
    5714390412  1/19/2016   No
    5714390412  2/16/2016   No
    5714390412  3/24/2016   No
    5756379433  3/11/2016   Yes
    5756379433  3/16/2016   No
    5756379433  4/12/2016   No


select t.*,
       (case when lead(calldate) over (partition by phonenumber order by calldate) > date_add(CallDate, 5)
             then 'Yes'
             else 'No'
from t;