如何在 DataFrame 中将 Column 声明为分类特征以在 ml 中使用

How can I declare a Column as a categorical feature in a DataFrame for use in ml

如何声明我的 DataFrame 中的给定列包含分类信息?

我有一个从数据库加载的 Spark SQL DataFrame。此 DataFrame 中的许多列都有分类信息,但它们被编码为 Longs(出于隐私考虑)。

我希望能够告诉 spark-ml,尽管此列是数值列,但信息实际上是分类的。类别索引可能有一些漏洞,这是可以接受的。 (例如,一列可能具有值 [1, 0, 0 ,4])

我知道存在 StringIndexer 但我更愿意避免编码和解码的麻烦,特别是因为我有很多列都有这种行为。


train = load_from_database()
categorical_cols = ["CategoricalColOfLongs1",
numeric_cols = ["NumericColOfLongs1"]

## This is what I am looking for
## this step detects the min and max value of both columns
## and adds metadata to indicate this as a categorical column
## with (1 + max - min) categories
categorizer = ColumnCategorizer(columns = categorical_cols,
                                autoDetectMinMax = True)

vectorizer = VectorAssembler(inputCols = categorical_cols + 
                             outputCol = "features")
classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier()
pipeline = Pipeline(stages = [categorizer, vectorizer, classifier])
model = pipeline.fit(train)

I would prefer to avoid the hassle of encoding and decoding,

你无法真正完全避免这一点。分类变量所需的元数据实际上是值和索引之间的映射。不过,无需手动或 执行此操作。假设您有这样的数据框:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame({
    "x1": np.random.random(1000),
    "x2": np.random.choice(3, 1000),
    "x4": np.random.choice(5, 1000)


from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler, VectorIndexer
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[
    VectorAssembler(inputCols=df.columns, outputCol="features_raw"),
        inputCol="features_raw", outputCol="features", maxCategories=10)])

transformed = pipeline.fit(df).transform(df)

## {'ml_attr': {'attrs': {'nominal': [{'idx': 1,
##      'name': 'x2',
##      'ord': False,
##      'vals': ['0.0', '1.0', '2.0']},
##     {'idx': 2,
##      'name': 'x4',
##      'ord': False,
##      'vals': ['0.0', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0']}],
##    'numeric': [{'idx': 0, 'name': 'x1'}]},
##   'num_attrs': 3}}


    'idx': 2,  # Index (position in vector)
    'name': 'x4',  # name
    'ord': False,  # is ordinal?
    # Mapping between value and label
    'vals': ['0.0', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0']  


from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import VectorUDT

# Lets assume we have only a vector
raw = transformed.select("features_raw")

# Dictionary equivalent to transformed.schema.fields[-1].metadata shown abov
meta = ... 
schema = StructType([StructField("features", VectorUDT(), metadata=meta)])

sqlContext.createDataFrame(raw.rdd, schema)


Spark 2.2 开始,您还可以使用元数据参数:

df.withColumn("features", col("features").alias("features", metadata=meta))


嘿 zero323 我使用了相同的技术来查看元数据并编写了这个 Transformer

def _transform(self, data):
    maxValues = self.getOrDefault(self.maxValues)
    categoricalCols = self.getOrDefault(self.categoricalCols)

    new_schema = types.StructType(data.schema.fields)
    new_data = data
    for (col, maxVal) in zip(categoricalCols, maxValues):
        # I have not decided if I should make a new column or
        # overwrite the original column
        new_col_name = col + "_categorical"

        new_data = new_data.withColumn(new_col_name,

        # metadata for a categorical column                                                                                                                                 
        meta = {u'ml_attr' : {u'vals' : [unicode(i) for i in range(maxVal + 1)],
                              u'type' : u'nominal',
                              u'name' : new_col_name}}

        new_schema.add(new_col_name, types.DoubleType(), True, meta)

    return data.sql_ctx.createDataFrame(new_data.rdd, new_schema)