用@符号替换 for() 循环中的所有分号

Replace all semicolons in for() loop with @ signs

我正在尝试编写一些代码来查找 for 循环,将其包含的分号替换为 @ 符号,并在右括号后添加一个新行。我目前的算法是

pattern = "for(";
if (line.contains(pattern))
    openPos = line.indexOf(pattern) + "for".length();

    Occurence = 1;
    closePos = findClose(line, openPos, '(', ')');
    if (closePos != -1)
        // Replace all line terminators within loop ()'s with @'s
        for (int lt = 0; lt < lineTerminator.size(); lt++)
            tempLine = line.substring(openPos + "(".length(), closePos).replaceAll(";", "@");
        line = line.substring(0, openPos + "(".length()) + tempLine + ")\n" + line.substring(closePos + 1, line.length()).trim();
        multiLine = "";

这对于一行中 for 循环的单个实例非常有用,但是我 运行 进入的一个新案例是当 运行 在生产 JavaScript 文件中使用它时,它在第一个之后不适用于任何 for 循环。我试图将其封装在一个 while 循环中以在同一行上继续,同时它可以继续查找 for 循环,如下所示

indexOfPattern = line.indexOf(pattern);
while (indexOfPattern >= 0)
    openPos = indexOfPattern + pattern.length();
    Occurence = 1;
    closePos = findClose(line, openPos, '(', ')');
    if (closePos != -1)
        // Replace all line terminators within additional loop ()'s with @'s
        for (int lt = 0; lt < lineTerminator.size(); lt++)
            tempLine = line.substring(openPos + "(".length(), closePos).trim().replaceAll(lineTerminator.get(lt), "@");
        line = line.substring(0, openPos + "(".length()) + tempLine + ")\n" + line.substring(closePos + 1, line.length()).trim();
    indexOfPattern = line.indexOf(pattern, indexOfPattern + pattern.length());

但这是在 for 循环之外替换分号。有谁知道这样做有什么更巧妙的方法吗?



for(h=0;b[h];) for(i=0;i<10;i++) for(a in b) { do; some; things; }


for(h=0@b[h]@) for(i=0@i<10@i++) for(a in b) { do; some; things; }

编辑 2:我选择了正则表达式答案,因为它似乎适用于除此之外的很多情况(荒谬的 javascript 前面的垃圾):

for(b[this.id]=this,this.settings=new c.classes.configurable(c.settings,j.settings||{}),Object.defineProperty(this,"graph",{value:new c.classes.graph(this.settings),configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"middlewares",{value:[],configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"cameras",{value:{},configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"renderers",{value:{},configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"renderersPerCamera",{value:{},configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"cameraFrames",{value:{},configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(this,"camera",{get:function(){return this.cameras[0]}}),Object.defineProperty(this,"events",{value:["click","rightClick","clickStage","doubleClickStage","rightClickStage","clickNode","clickNodes","doubleClickNode","doubleClickNodes","rightClickNode","rightClickNodes","overNode","overNodes","outNode","outNodes","downNode","downNodes","upNode","upNodes"],configurable:!0}),this._handler=function(a){var b,c={};for(b in a.data)c[b]=a.data[b];c.renderer=a.target,this.dispatchEvent(a.type,c)}.bind(this),f=j.renderers||[],d=0,e=f.length;e>d;d++)

注意最后嵌套的 for(b in a.data) - 这就是给出正则表达式答案问题的原因。有人有万能的办法来处理这个愚蠢的案子吗?


public String replaceForSemicolons(String input) {
    String pattern = "for\s*\([^;]+;[^;]+[^\)]+\)\s*\{";
    Pattern reg = Pattern.compile(pattern);
    Matcher matcher = reg.matcher(input);
    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
    int previousEnd = 0;

    while(matcher.find()) {
        //get the matched 'for' without the opening bracket
        String matchedString = input.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()-1);
        //replace the semicolons with @
        matchedString = matchedString.replaceAll(";", "@");
        //append everything from the end of the last match to the start of this match
        output.append(input.substring(previousEnd, matcher.start()));
        //append the matched string with the replaced semicolons
        //add a new line and the opening bracket that we left out from the matched string
        previousEnd = matcher.end();

    //append the rest of the string

    return output.toString();

除非您使用某种类型的 tokenization,否则几乎(如果不是完全不可能)完成所有情况的 100%。例如,如果您有以下内容:

for (b[this.id] = this, this.settings = new c.classes.configurable(c.settings, j.settings || {}), Object.defineProperty(this, "graph", {

正则表达式将卡在 j.settings || {} 中的 { 而不是一直到 d; d++)

这与你 can not really parse HTML or XML with regex 的原因相同。而不是做 search/replace 你真的需要构建一个简单的标记器,例如看看下面的 psudo 代码:

var depth = 0
var ouput = ""
for each char in string {
  if char == '{' {
    depth += 1
  if char == '}' {
    depth -= 1
  if depth > 0 && char == ';'{
    output = output + "@"
  } else {
    output = output + char
