使用 aspnet Core 1.0 RC2 迁移 "our target project 'xxx' doesn't match your migrations assembly 'xxx'" -

Migration "our target project 'xxx' doesn't match your migrations assembly 'xxx'" using aspnet Core 1.0 RC2 -

我正在尝试为程序集中的第二个 DBContext 构建迁移 类。使用此命令:Add-Migration AlertInitial -c Axper.Data.Persistence.Context.AlertContext 并使用 "Package Console management"


Your target project 'AxPortal' doesn't match your migrations assembly 'Axper.Data.Persistence'. Either change your target project or change your migrations assembly. Change your migrations assembly by using DbContextOptionsBuilder. E.g. options.UseSqlServer(connection, b => b.MigrationsAssembly("AxPortal")). By default, the migrations assembly is the assembly containing the DbContext.

Change your target project to the migrations project by using the Package Manager Console's Default project drop-down list, or by executing "dotnet ef" from the directory containing the migrations project.

我不明白这个错误是什么意思,也不知道如何解决它。 有人可以帮忙吗?

由于未知原因,我的 projects/Solution 文件夹有点损坏。我删除了 I 并重新克隆了 Git 存储库。我终于可以迁移了。

options.UseSqlServer(connection, b => b.MigrationsAssembly("WebApplication3")). By default, the migrations assembly is the assembly containing the DbContext.

services.AddDbContext<ComDbContext>(options =>
                options.UseSqlServer("server=.\sqlexpress;database=dsafdsaf;uid=sa;pwd=123456", b => b.MigrationsAssembly("WebApplication3"));