寻找 accurev 清除客户端缓存脚本

Looking for accurev clear client cache script

我正在阅读 post here,@chaboud 评论如下:

went to an "Advanced Accurev topics" talk, and the first tidbit was a large shell command for clearing out Accurev's client-side caching/sync mechanism to correct for when Accurev updates silently fail to pull down files that should be updated.

有人知道这个脚本或有副本吗?我一直在浏览 accurev 文档和在线文档,到目前为止,这个脚本还没有成功。


我从没听说过这个脚本,我在 AccuRev 工作过。

我猜有人(在 AccuRev 之外)创建了一个脚本,该脚本在更新失败时手动更新工作空间。