Table in dynatable 打印未定义的行

Table in dynatable prints rows of undefined

我在我的服务器上安装了 dynatable 插件,我想从 JSON 中写入的数据创建 table。我的 table 脚本:

<table class="table table-striped" id="local-json">
                                    <th>Restaurant Name</th>
                                    <th>Phone Number</th>
                                    <th>Project Start Date</th>
                                    <th>Project End Sales Date</th>
                                    <th>Project Installation Date</th>
                                    <th>Project End Date</th>
                                    <th>General Manager</th>
                                    <th>IT Manager</th>

<script type="text/javascript">
var json_url = 'wszystkie_prace.json';
$.getJSON(json_url, function(data) {
        dataset: {
            records: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))

我的 wszystkie_prace.json 文件如下所示:

        "Project Type": "Opening Restaurant",
        "MPK": "108006",
        "Old MPK": "234",
        "Restaurant Name": "PL SBX Restauracja Test1",
        "Phone Number": "+48111222333",
        "Project Start Date": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
        "Project End Sales Date": "Apr  7 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
        "Project Installation Date": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
        "Project End Date": "Apr  9 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
        "Restaurant Manager": "Zenon Pietrucha",
        "IT Manager": "Andrzej Marchewka",
        "Notes": "Notatka random sdijbwodenhwoidchwoncdown"
        "Project Type": "Closing Restaurant",
        "MPK": "103120",
        "Old MPK": "2134",
        "Restaurant Name": "PL KFC Restauracja Test2",
        "Phone Number": "+48123123123",
        "Project Start Date": "May  2 2016 06:00:00:000AM",
        "Project End Sales Date": "May  3 2016 08:00:00:000PM",
        "Project Installation Date": "May  7 2016 06:00:00:000AM",
        "Project End Date": "May  8 2016 06:00:00:000AM",
        "Restaurant Manager": "Tomasz Ziemniak",
        "IT Manager": "Andrzej Marchewka",
        "Notes": "sodicmwpd efvwefvwefv wefvwefv wefvwe fv ewfvwe\r\nfvwef\r\nvwe\r\nfv\r\nwefv\r\nwef"

我正在关注官方文档 (,但我得到的只是一组 undefined


你的代码没问题,你只需要在你的 wszystkie_prace.json 文件中更改关键文字的命名风格,如项目类型等,dyntable 遵循驼峰式大小写来命名 json 中的键,所以当有是一个单词,它全部用小写,例如 MKP as mkp,如果它是多个单词,它应该用驼峰式 eg.Project Type as projectType ,前者是你在 tr 标签中写的,后来是你相应地写的json




    "projectType": "Opening Restaurant",
    "mpk": "108006",
    "oldMpk": "234",
    "restaurantName": "PL SBX Restauracja Test1",
    "phoneNumber": "+48111222333",
    "projectStartDate": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "projectEndSalesDate": "Apr  7 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "projectInstallationDate": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "projectEndDate": "Apr  9 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "restaurantManager": "Zenon Pietrucha",
    "itManager": "Andrzej Marchewka",
    "notes": "Notatka random sdijbwodenhwoidchwoncdown"

//more stuff for other rows



<table class="table table-striped" id="local-json">
               <tr>Status</tr> <!--undefined since we didn't supply the value in json-->
               <th>Project Type</th>
               <th>Restaurant Name</th>
               <th>Phone Number</th>
               <th>Project Start Date</th>
               <th>Project End Sales Date</th>
               <th>Project Installation Date</th>
               <th>Project End Date</th>
               <th>General Manager</th>
               <th>IT Manager</th>


我建议您使用 小写 格式,因为我发现它最直接


<script type="text/javascript">
var json_url = 'wszystkie_prace2.json';
$.getJSON(json_url, function(data) {
   table: {
       defaultColumnIdStyle: 'lowercase'

   dataset: {
          records: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))

新 json

    "project type": "Opening Restaurant",
    "mpk": "108006",
    "old mpk": "234",
    "restaurant name": "PL SBX Restauracja Test1",
    "phone number": "+48111222333",
    "project start date": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "project end sales ate": "Apr  7 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "project installation date": "Apr  6 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "project end date": "Apr  9 2016 10:00:00:000PM",
    "restaurant manager": "Zenon Pietrucha",
    "it manager": "Andrzej Marchewka",
    "notes": "Notatka random sdijbwodenhwoidchwoncdown",
    "general manager" : "mr .cool",
    "status" : "Active"
