尝试使用 Bot Framework 在 Telegram 中发送消息时出错

Error trying to send message in Telegram with Bot Framework

var connector = new ConnectorClient();
List<ChannelAccount> participants = new List<ChannelAccount>();
var tBot = new ChannelAccount
    ChannelId = "telegram", Address = "9digit", IsBot = true, Id = "salodkid_bot", Name = "salodkid_bot"
var tUser = new ChannelAccount
    ChannelId = "telegram", Address = "9digit", IsBot = false, Id = "dsalodki", Name = "dsalodki"
Message message = new Message
    From = tBot,
    To = tUser,
    Participants = participants.ToArray(),
    Text = "Hey, what's up everyone?",
    Language = "en"
var obj = connector.Messages.SendMessage(message);

Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: The bot ... does not match From:... To:...


Message.From.Address 字段需要包含机器人 ID,如下所示:

var tBot = new ChannelAccount
    ChannelId = "telegram", Address = "salodkid_bot", IsBot = true, Id = "salodkid_bot", Name = "salodkid_bot"