weakValues() 和 expireAfterAccess() 可以结合使用吗?

Can weakValues() and expireAfterAccess() be combined?





public class CacheBuilderIT {
    public void expireAfterAccessWithWeakValues() throws InterruptedException {
        Cache<Object, Object> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                .expireAfterAccess(500, MILLISECONDS)
        Object key = new Object();
        Object value = new Object(); // keep a strong reference to the value
        cache.put(key, value);
        assert cache.getIfPresent(key) != null : "expiration occurred too quickly";
        assert cache.getIfPresent(key) != null : "last access did not reset expiration";
        assert cache.getIfPresent(key) != null : "reference did not prevent expiration";


java.lang.AssertionError: reference did not prevent expiration

不直接,因为只要不再有对该对象的强引用,弱值就可以被垃圾回收。然而,您可以做的是使用由两个独立缓存支持的 ForwardingCache,一个弱值缓存和一个定时过期缓存,以便基于时间的缓存持有对对象的强引用,从而将其保存在弱值缓存。它看起来像这样:

public class WeakValuedExpiringCache<K, V> extends ForwardingCache<K, V> {
  private final Cache<K, V> expiringCache;
  private final Cache<K, V> weakCache;

  public WeakValuedExpiringCache(CacheBuilder expiringSpec) {
    expiringCache = expiringSpec.build();
    weakCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weakValues().build();

  // weakCache is the canonical cache since it will hold values longer than
  // expiration if there remain other strong references
  protected Cache<K, V> delagate() {
    return weakCache;

  public V get(K key, Callable<? extends V> valueLoader)
     throws ExecutionException {
    // repopulate the expiring cache if needed, and update the weak cache
    V value = expiringCache.get(key, valueLoader);
    weakCache.put(key, value); // don't call super.put() here

  public void put(K key, V value) {
    expiringCache.put(key, value);
    super.put(key, value);

  // Handle putAll(), cleanUp(), invalidate(), and invalidateAll() similarly

你也可以用 ForwardingLoadingCache 做同样的事情,就像上面的 .get() 你应该从 expiringCache.put() 加载值到weakCache在相关加载方法中。