处理 - 在处理草图中记录和显示视频
processing - record and show video in the processing sketch
我的处理草图中有一个网络摄像头,我可以录制和保存视频。我想完成的是,当我转到下一个案例 (drawScreenOne) 时,我刚刚录制的视频将显示在 canvas 上。我现在遇到的问题是,当我使用来自 com.hamoid 的视频导出库保存视频时,它会保存在与我的草图相同的文件夹中,但要播放电影,它需要在数据中文件夹。所以如果不手动移动到数据文件夹我就无法播放电影。你能从处理中做到这一点吗?
import com.hamoid.*;
import processing.video.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
AudioRecorder recorder;
Movie myMovie;
Movie myMovie1;
int currentScreen;
VideoExport videoExport;
boolean recording = false;
Capture theCap;
Capture cam;
int i = 0;
int countname; //change the name
int name = 000000; //set the number in key's' function
// change the file name
void newFile()
countname =( name + 1);
recorder = minim.createRecorder(in, "file/Sound" + countname + ".wav", true);
// println("file/" + countname + ".wav");
void setup() {
myMovie = new Movie(this, "video0.mp4");
myMovie1 = new Movie(this, "video1.mp4");
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
} else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
// The camera can be initialized directly using an
// element from the array returned by list():
//cam = new Capture(this, cameras[3]); //built in mac cam "isight"
cam = new Capture(this, 1280, 960, "USB-camera"); //externe camera Lex, linker USB
println("Druk op R om geluid en video op te nemen.Druk nog een keer op R om het opnemen te stoppen en druk op S om het op te slaan Druk vervolgens op Z om verder te gaan.");
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "video" + i + ".mp4");
minim = new Minim(this);
// get a stereo line-in: sample buffer length of 2048
// default sample rate is 44100, default bit depth is 16
in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 2048);
// create a recorder that will record from the input to the filename specified, using buffered recording
// buffered recording means that all captured audio will be written into a sample buffer
// then when save() is called, the contents of the buffer will actually be written to a file
// the file will be located in the sketch's root folder.
newFile();//go to change file name
textFont(createFont("SanSerif", 12));
void draw() {
case 0: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 1: drawScreenOne(); break; //1 video
case 2: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 3: drawScreenTwo(); break; // 2 video's
case 4: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 5: drawScreenThree(); break; //3 video's
case 6: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 7: drawScreenFour(); break; //4 video's
default: background(0); break;
void mousePressed() {
if (currentScreen > 2) { currentScreen = 0; }
void drawScreenZero() {
println("drawScreenZero camera");
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0,0,width, height);
// The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
// without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
//set(0, 0, cam);
if (recording) {
for(int i = 0; i < in.bufferSize() - 1; i++)
line(i, 50 + in.left.get(i)*50, i+1, 50 + in.left.get(i+1)*50);
line(i, 150 + in.right.get(i)*50, i+1, 150 + in.right.get(i+1)*50);
if ( recorder.isRecording() )
text("Aan het opnemen...", 5, 15);
text("Druk op R als je klaar bent met opnemen en druk op S om het op te slaan.", 5, 30);
text("Gestopt met opnemen. Druk op R om op te nemen, druk op S om op te slaan.", 5, 15);
void drawScreenOne() {
println("drawScreenOne 1 video");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenTwo(){
println("drawScreenTwo 2 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenThree(){
println("drawScreenThree 3 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie, (width/2),0, (width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenFour(){
println("drawScreenFour 4 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie, (width/2),0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, 0,(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
void keyPressed() {
if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') {
recording = !recording;
println("Recording is " + (recording ? "ON" : "OFF"));
} else if (key == 's' || key == 's') {
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "video" + i + ".mp4");
if (currentScreen > 7) { currentScreen = 0; }
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
void keyReleased()
if ( key == 'r' )
// to indicate that you want to start or stop capturing audio data, you must call
// beginRecord() and endRecord() on the AudioRecorder object. You can start and stop
// as many times as you like, the audio data will be appended to the end of the buffer
// (in the case of buffered recording) or to the end of the file (in the case of streamed recording).
if ( recorder.isRecording() )
if ( key == 's' )
// we've filled the file out buffer,
// now write it to the file we specified in createRecorder
// in the case of buffered recording, if the buffer is large,
// this will appear to freeze the sketch for sometime
// in the case of streamed recording,
// it will not freeze as the data is already in the file and all that is being done
// is closing the file.
// the method returns the recorded audio as an AudioRecording,
// see the example AudioRecorder >> RecordAndPlayback for more about that
name++; //change the file name, everytime +1
println("Done saving.");
println(name);//check the name
void stop()
// always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
Can you do that from within processing?
当然可以。只需 google 类似 "Java move file" 的内容,我相信您会找到大量结果。 或者您可以先将视频保存到 data
目录。 我从未使用过 VideoExport
class 所以这只是一个猜测,但我想这会将视频放在 data
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "data/video" + i + ".mp4");
And how can i load up the videos that i just created in a case before? Do i need to use an array for that?
我的处理草图中有一个网络摄像头,我可以录制和保存视频。我想完成的是,当我转到下一个案例 (drawScreenOne) 时,我刚刚录制的视频将显示在 canvas 上。我现在遇到的问题是,当我使用来自 com.hamoid 的视频导出库保存视频时,它会保存在与我的草图相同的文件夹中,但要播放电影,它需要在数据中文件夹。所以如果不手动移动到数据文件夹我就无法播放电影。你能从处理中做到这一点吗? 以及如何加载我之前在案例中创建的视频?我需要为此使用数组吗?当我手动将它移动到数据文件夹时我可以播放电影,但我想要处理来处理它。
import com.hamoid.*;
import processing.video.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
AudioRecorder recorder;
Movie myMovie;
Movie myMovie1;
int currentScreen;
VideoExport videoExport;
boolean recording = false;
Capture theCap;
Capture cam;
int i = 0;
int countname; //change the name
int name = 000000; //set the number in key's' function
// change the file name
void newFile()
countname =( name + 1);
recorder = minim.createRecorder(in, "file/Sound" + countname + ".wav", true);
// println("file/" + countname + ".wav");
void setup() {
myMovie = new Movie(this, "video0.mp4");
myMovie1 = new Movie(this, "video1.mp4");
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
} else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
// The camera can be initialized directly using an
// element from the array returned by list():
//cam = new Capture(this, cameras[3]); //built in mac cam "isight"
cam = new Capture(this, 1280, 960, "USB-camera"); //externe camera Lex, linker USB
println("Druk op R om geluid en video op te nemen.Druk nog een keer op R om het opnemen te stoppen en druk op S om het op te slaan Druk vervolgens op Z om verder te gaan.");
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "video" + i + ".mp4");
minim = new Minim(this);
// get a stereo line-in: sample buffer length of 2048
// default sample rate is 44100, default bit depth is 16
in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 2048);
// create a recorder that will record from the input to the filename specified, using buffered recording
// buffered recording means that all captured audio will be written into a sample buffer
// then when save() is called, the contents of the buffer will actually be written to a file
// the file will be located in the sketch's root folder.
newFile();//go to change file name
textFont(createFont("SanSerif", 12));
void draw() {
case 0: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 1: drawScreenOne(); break; //1 video
case 2: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 3: drawScreenTwo(); break; // 2 video's
case 4: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 5: drawScreenThree(); break; //3 video's
case 6: drawScreenZero(); break; //camera
case 7: drawScreenFour(); break; //4 video's
default: background(0); break;
void mousePressed() {
if (currentScreen > 2) { currentScreen = 0; }
void drawScreenZero() {
println("drawScreenZero camera");
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0,0,width, height);
// The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
// without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
//set(0, 0, cam);
if (recording) {
for(int i = 0; i < in.bufferSize() - 1; i++)
line(i, 50 + in.left.get(i)*50, i+1, 50 + in.left.get(i+1)*50);
line(i, 150 + in.right.get(i)*50, i+1, 150 + in.right.get(i+1)*50);
if ( recorder.isRecording() )
text("Aan het opnemen...", 5, 15);
text("Druk op R als je klaar bent met opnemen en druk op S om het op te slaan.", 5, 30);
text("Gestopt met opnemen. Druk op R om op te nemen, druk op S om op te slaan.", 5, 15);
void drawScreenOne() {
println("drawScreenOne 1 video");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenTwo(){
println("drawScreenTwo 2 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenThree(){
println("drawScreenThree 3 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie, (width/2),0, (width/2),(height/2));
void drawScreenFour(){
println("drawScreenFour 4 videos");
image(myMovie, 0,0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, (width/2),(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie, (width/2),0, (width/2),(height/2));
image(myMovie1, 0,(height/2),(width/2),(height/2));
void keyPressed() {
if (key == 'r' || key == 'R') {
recording = !recording;
println("Recording is " + (recording ? "ON" : "OFF"));
} else if (key == 's' || key == 's') {
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "video" + i + ".mp4");
if (currentScreen > 7) { currentScreen = 0; }
void movieEvent(Movie m) {
void keyReleased()
if ( key == 'r' )
// to indicate that you want to start or stop capturing audio data, you must call
// beginRecord() and endRecord() on the AudioRecorder object. You can start and stop
// as many times as you like, the audio data will be appended to the end of the buffer
// (in the case of buffered recording) or to the end of the file (in the case of streamed recording).
if ( recorder.isRecording() )
if ( key == 's' )
// we've filled the file out buffer,
// now write it to the file we specified in createRecorder
// in the case of buffered recording, if the buffer is large,
// this will appear to freeze the sketch for sometime
// in the case of streamed recording,
// it will not freeze as the data is already in the file and all that is being done
// is closing the file.
// the method returns the recorded audio as an AudioRecording,
// see the example AudioRecorder >> RecordAndPlayback for more about that
name++; //change the file name, everytime +1
println("Done saving.");
println(name);//check the name
void stop()
// always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them
Can you do that from within processing?
当然可以。只需 google 类似 "Java move file" 的内容,我相信您会找到大量结果。 或者您可以先将视频保存到 data
目录。 我从未使用过 VideoExport
class 所以这只是一个猜测,但我想这会将视频放在 data
videoExport = new VideoExport(this, "data/video" + i + ".mp4");
And how can i load up the videos that i just created in a case before? Do i need to use an array for that?