
How do I match types that don't have a specific typeclass instance?


  // Given
  trait SomeTypeclass[T]

  // when we have implicit SomeTypeclass[T]
  def f[T: SomeTypeclass](x:T):Unit = ???
  // when we don't have instance
  def f[T !: SomeTypeclass](x: T):Unit = ???


有没有一种方法可以否定类型绑定? 一种使函数具有 !: 编译的方法?

(我想在没有 scalaz、shapeless 等的 vanilla Scala 中这样做)

Is there a way to negate a type bound?

不!语法 [T: SomeTypeclass] 对于 (implicit val t: Sometypeclass[T]) 只是 shorthand,并且没有办法 "negate"。您可以重载该方法,但这会产生歧义。


trait ExistsLowPri {
  implicit def no[A]: Exists[A] = Exists.No
object Exists extends ExistsLowPri {
  case class Yes[A](peer: A) extends Exists[A]
  case object No extends Exists[Nothing]

  implicit def yes[A](implicit peer: A): Exists[A] = new Yes(peer)
sealed trait Exists[+A]


trait Show[-A] {
  def show(x: A): String

def test[A](x: A)(implicit ex: Exists[Show[A]]): Unit = println(
  ex match {
    case Exists.Yes(s) => s.show(x)
    case Exists.No     => "(no string repr)"

implicit object ShowBoolean extends Show[Boolean] {
  def show(b: Boolean) = if (b) "T" else "F" 

test(123)   // (no string repr)
test(true)  // T

但是,我强烈建议不要这样做,因为隐式和类型 classes 的要点是,如果某些内容不在范围内,编译器会显式失败。这样您将始终能够编译但不能保证您正确地将特定类型 class 引入范围。


trait NoInstance[T[_], A]

object NoInstance extends LowPriorityNoInstance {
  implicit def hasInstance0[T[_], A](implicit inst: T[A]): NoInstance[T, A] = ???
  implicit def hasInstance1[T[_], A](implicit inst: T[A]): NoInstance[T, A] = ???

class LowPriorityNoInstance {
  implicit def noInstance[T[_], A]: NoInstance[T, A] = new NoInstance[T, A] {}


scala> implicitly[NoInstance[Ordering, List[Int]]]
res4: NoInstance[Ordering,List[Int]] = LowPriorityNoInstance$$anon@5e1fc2aa

scala> implicitly[NoInstance[Ordering, Int]]
<console>:14: error: ambiguous implicit values:
 both method hasInstance0 in object NoInstance of type [T[_], A](implicit inst: T[A])NoInstance[T,A]
 and method hasInstance1 in object NoInstance of type [T[_], A](implicit inst: T[A])NoInstance[T,A]
 match expected type NoInstance[Ordering,Int]
       implicitly[NoInstance[Ordering, Int]]

在许多情况下,您可以使用 null 默认隐式参数技巧来避免这种情况,但是:

def f[T](x: T)(implicit stc: SomeTypeclass[T] = null): Unit = Option(stc) match {
  case Some(instance) => // do something in the case where we have an instance
  case None => // do something in the case where we don't have an instance

这感觉像是一个 hack,但它确实有效,而且人们一直在使用它。