JavaScript/jQuery - 从 24 小时日期时间字符串转换为 12 小时日期格式?

JavaScript/jQuery - Convert from 24 Hr Datetime String to 12Hr Date format?

    var timeZone ="CDT"
    var startDateTime = "2016-06-15 22:30:00.0";  

    this.outDate = function()
         return getJustTime(startDateTime,timeZone);

    function getJustTime(startDateTime,timeZone)
         outDt = new Date(startDateTime.replace(/ /g,'T'));    
          return outDt;     

     **Expected Output**
      this.outDate = "10.30 PM CDT";

我有两个带有 24 小时日期时间字符串的变量,我想将其转换为 12 小时格式的日期字符串。我错过了什么?

P.S : 我不能使用任何日期时间库。

var timeZone ="CDT"
var startDateTime = "2016-06-15 22:30:00.0";
var slot='AM';
var a = startDateTime.split(" ");
var b = a[0].split("-");
var c = a[1].split(":");
  c[0] = c[0] - 12;
var date = c[0]+'.'+c[1]+' '+slot+' '+timeZone ;

只写你自己的。 date 对象非常有用。

function am_or_pm (date) {
    var date_obj = new Date(date);
    var hours = date_obj.getHours();
    var morn_or_night;
    // I wouldn't do this in production, but this is to make my logic really clear - I would probably use a conditional operator here. 
    // Handling Midnight
    if (hours === 0) {
        hours = 12;
        morn_or_night = 'AM';
    // Handling noon
    } else if (hours === 12) {
        morn_or_night = 'PM'
    } else if (hours > 12) {
        hours = hours - 12;
        morn_or_night = 'PM';
    } else {
        morn_or_night = 'AM';
    return hours.toString()+':'+date_obj.getMinutes()+' '+morn_or_night;