将行项目添加到现有 quickbooks 时向自定义 (DataExt) 字段添加值

Adding values to custom (DataExt) fields when adding line items to existing quickbooks Estimates

我试图找到在向现有 Quickbooks 交易添加行项目时向 DataExt 字段添加值的最佳方法(在这种特殊情况下为估算)。在将行项目添加到 NEW 估计时,我可以为 DataExt 字段添加一个值,因为 IEstimateLineAdd 对象包含 IDataListExt。但是,IEstimateLineMod 似乎不包含 IDataExtList。似乎也不支持 defMacro/useMacro 。我想避免返回并从响应数据中挖掘出行项目(使用它们的数据值的某种组合),为每个行获取 TxnLineID,然后使用 DataExMod 在事后添加自定义数据字段。 =10=]

However, IEstimateLineMod does not appear to include IDataExtList.


There also does not appear to be support for defMacro/useMacro either.


I would like to avoid having to go back and dig out the line items (using some combination of their data values) from the Response data, get the TxnLineIDs for each one and then use DataExMod to add the custom data field after the fact.
