
random color from an array for a different string


+ (UIColor *)ivl_randomColorWithSeedString:(NSString *)seedString {

    srand48(seedString ? seedString.hash : arc4random());

    float red = 0.0;
    while (red < 0.1 || red > 0.84) {
        red = drand48();

    float green = 0.0;
    while (green < 0.1 || green > 0.84) {
        green = drand48();

    float blue = 0.0;
    while (blue < 0.1 || blue > 0.84) {
        blue = drand48();

    return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0f];

我想要实现的是为不同的字符串获取随机颜色,如果我有相同的字符串,那么 return 相同的索引。

- (void)setImageWithImage:(UIImage *)image orString:(NSString *)string colorArray:(NSArray *)colorArray circular:(BOOL)isCircular textAttributes:(NSDictionary *)textAttributes {
  if (!textAttributes) {
    textAttributes = @{
                       NSFontAttributeName: [self fontForFontName:nil],
                       NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor whiteColor]

  NSMutableString *displayString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];

  NSMutableArray *words = [[string componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] mutableCopy];

  // Get first letter of the first and last word
  if ([words count]) {
    NSString *firstWord = [words firstObject];
    if ([firstWord length]) {
      // Get character range to handle emoji (emojis consist of 2 characters in sequence)
      NSRange firstLetterRange = [firstWord rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
      [displayString appendString:[firstWord substringWithRange:firstLetterRange]];

    if ([words count] >= 2) {
      NSString *lastWord = [words lastObject];

      while ([lastWord length] == 0 && [words count] >= 2) {
        [words removeLastObject];
        lastWord = [words lastObject];

      if ([words count] > 1) {
        // Get character range to handle emoji (emojis consist of 2 characters in sequence)
        NSRange lastLetterRange = [lastWord rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
        [displayString appendString:[lastWord substringWithRange:lastLetterRange]];

  srand48(string ? string.hash : arc4random());

  NSUInteger randomIndex = arc4random() % [colorArray count];
  UIColor *backgroundColor = colorArray[randomIndex];

  if (image != nil) {
    self.image = image;
  } else {
    self.image = [self imageSnapshotFromText:[displayString uppercaseString] backgroundColor:backgroundColor circular:isCircular textAttributes:textAttributes];


arc4random 无法做到这一点。您需要使用随机数生成器的种子版本 random 并使用来自您的字符串的值为其播种,该值对于不同的字符串值是唯一的。

这种生成的结果完全如你所愿——对于相同的种子,每次生成的序列都将完全相同。 对于不同的种子值,随机序列会有所不同。

例如,您可以将字符串的长度作为种子,但为了使其更加可变,您可以计算表示为 int 值的字符总和,或者像您现在所做的那样使用 hash 函数。

所以在你的方法中你应该在开始时调用 srandom(seed) 并使用 random 而不是 arc4randomsrand48.




+ (void) setSeed:(unsigned)seed;
+ (UIColor*) randomColorUseSeed:(BOOL)useSeed


+ (void) setSeed:(unsigned)seed;
+ (id) randomElementFromArray:(NSArray*) array useSeed:(BOOL) useSeed;

作为 setSeed 的参数,传递一个根据上述字符串生成的值。