
How to traverse a hierarchical tree-structure structure backwards using recursive queries

我正在使用 PostgreSQL 9.1 查询分层树结构数据,由连接到节点的边(或元素)组成。这些数据实际上是针对流网络的,但我已将问题抽象为简单的数据类型。考虑示例 tree table。每条边都有长度和面积属性,用于从网络中确定一些有用的指标。​​

  edge text PRIMARY KEY,
  from_node integer UNIQUE NOT NULL, -- can also act as PK
  to_node integer REFERENCES tree (from_node),
  mode character varying(5), -- redundant, but illustrative
  length numeric NOT NULL,
  area numeric NOT NULL,
  fwd_path text[], -- optional ordered sequence, useful for debugging
  fwd_search_depth integer,
  fwd_length numeric,
  rev_path text[], -- optional unordered set, useful for debugging
  rev_search_depth integer,
  rev_length numeric,
  rev_area numeric
CREATE INDEX ON tree (to_node);
INSERT INTO tree(edge, from_node, to_node, mode, length, area) VALUES
 ('A', 1, 4, 'start', 1.1, 0.9),
 ('B', 2, 4, 'start', 1.2, 1.3),
 ('C', 3, 5, 'start', 1.8, 2.4),
 ('D', 4, 5, NULL, 1.2, 1.3),
 ('E', 5, NULL, 'end', 1.1, 0.9);

如下图所示,A-E代表的边与节点1-5相连。 NULL to_node (Ø) 表示结束节点。 from_node 永远是唯一的,所以可以作为PK。如果这个网络像drainage basin一样流动,它就是从上到下,起始支流边是A、B、C,结束流出边是E。

documentation for WITH 提供了一个很好的示例,说明如何在递归查询中使用搜索图。因此,要获取 "forwards" 信息,查询从末尾开始,并向后进行:

WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
  -- Begin at ending nodes
  SELECT E.from_node, 1 AS search_depth, E.length
    , ARRAY[E.edge] AS path -- optional
  FROM tree E WHERE E.to_node IS NULL

  -- Accumulate each edge, working backwards (upstream)
  SELECT o.from_node, sg.search_depth + 1, sg.length + o.length
    , o.edge|| sg.path -- optional
  FROM tree o, search_graph sg
  WHERE o.to_node = sg.from_node
  fwd_path = sg.path,
  fwd_search_depth = sg.search_depth,
  fwd_length = sg.length
FROM search_graph AS sg WHERE sg.from_node = tree.from_node;

SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, fwd_path, fwd_search_depth, fwd_length
FROM tree ORDER BY edge;

 edge | from_node | to_node | fwd_path | fwd_search_depth | fwd_length
 A    |         1 |       4 | {A,D,E}  |                3 |        3.4
 B    |         2 |       4 | {B,D,E}  |                3 |        3.5
 C    |         3 |       5 | {C,E}    |                2 |        2.9
 D    |         4 |       5 | {D,E}    |                2 |        2.3
 E    |         5 |         | {E}      |                1 |        1.1

以上是有道理的,并且适用于大型网络。例如,我可以看到边 B 是距离末端的 3 条边,正向路径是 {B,D,E},从末端到末端的总长度为 3.5。

但是,我想不出构建反向查询的好方法。即从每条边开始,累积的"upstream"条边,长度和面积是多少。使用 WITH RECURSIVE,我最好的是:

WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
  -- Begin at starting nodes
  SELECT S.from_node, S.to_node, 1 AS search_depth, S.length, S.area
    , ARRAY[S.edge] AS path -- optional
  FROM tree S WHERE from_node IN (
    -- Starting nodes have a from_node without any to_node
    SELECT from_node FROM tree EXCEPT SELECT to_node FROM tree)

  -- Accumulate edges, working forwards
  SELECT c.from_node, c.to_node, sg.search_depth + 1, sg.length + c.length, sg.area + c.area
         , c.edge || sg.path -- optional
  FROM tree c, search_graph sg
  WHERE c.from_node = sg.to_node
  rev_path = sg.path,
  rev_search_depth = sg.search_depth,
  rev_length = sg.length,
  rev_area = sg.area
FROM search_graph AS sg WHERE sg.from_node = tree.from_node;

SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, rev_path, rev_search_depth, rev_length, rev_area
FROM tree ORDER BY edge;

 edge | from_node | to_node | rev_path | rev_search_depth | rev_length | rev_area
 A    |         1 |       4 | {A}      |                1 |        1.1 |      0.9
 B    |         2 |       4 | {B}      |                1 |        1.2 |      1.3
 C    |         3 |       5 | {C}      |                1 |        1.8 |      2.4
 D    |         4 |       5 | {D,A}    |                2 |        2.3 |      2.2
 E    |         5 |         | {E,C}    |                2 |        2.9 |      3.3

我想将聚合构建到递归查询的第二项中,因为每个下游边都连接到 1 个或多个上游边,但是 aggregates are not allowed with recursive queries。另外,我知道连接很草率,因为 with recursive 结果有多个 edge.



 edge | from_node | to_node |  rev_path   | rev_search_depth | rev_length | rev_area
 A    |         1 |       4 | {A}         |                1 |        1.1 |      0.9
 B    |         2 |       4 | {B}         |                1 |        1.2 |      1.3
 C    |         3 |       5 | {C}         |                1 |        1.8 |      2.4
 D    |         4 |       5 | {A,B,D}     |                3 |        3.5 |      3.5
 E    |         5 |         | {A,B,C,D,E} |                5 |        6.4 |      6.8



更新 2: 我重写了原来的递归查询,以便所有 accumulation/aggregation 都在递归部分之外完成。它应该比这个答案的前一个版本表现得更好。 这与来自 @a_horse_with_no_name 的 对于类似问题非常相似。

    RECURSIVE search_graph(edge, from_node, to_node, length, area, start_node) AS
        SELECT edge, from_node, to_node, length, area, from_node AS "start_node"
        FROM tree
        UNION ALL
        SELECT o.edge, o.from_node, o.to_node, o.length, o.area, p.start_node
        FROM tree o
    JOIN search_graph p ON p.from_node = o.to_node
    SELECT array_agg(edge) AS "edges"
       -- ,array_agg(from_node) AS "nodes"
          ,count(edge) AS "edge_count"
          ,sum(length) AS "length_sum"
          ,sum(area) AS "area_sum"
    FROM search_graph
    GROUP BY start_node
    ORDER BY start_node


 start_node | edges       | edge_count | length_sum |  area_sum
  1         | {A}         |          1 |        1.1 |       0.9
  2         | {B}         |          1 |        1.2 |       1.3
  3         | {C}         |          1 |        1.8 |       2.4
  4         | {D,B,A}     |          3 |        3.5 |       3.5
  5         | {E,D,C,B,A} |          5 |        6.4 |       6.8