如何在 Ractive initialization/defaults 中包含事件(不是事件插件)?

How to Include events (not event-plugin) in Ractive initialization/defaults?

我已经通读了 Ractive 文档,但有点摸不着头脑,因为默认事件初始化选项似乎允许我做一些事情——创建新事件types - 比我需要的要复杂得多,但相反,对于定义默认 events


有人可以建议如何提供可以为传统 DOM 事件触发的全局事件吗?


我有一个 3 组件应用程序页面。我想定义一个 getOptions 事件,这样任何 <select on-click='getOptions'>...</select> 都将由同一个函数处理。我不想在每个组件中都定义该函数。


Ractive.events['getOptions'] = function(event){
   //logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath


Ractive.default.events['getOptions'] = function(event){
   //logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath

但是 我对文档的理解是 Ractive.eventsRactive.default.events 提供这个,而是提供一种定义新事件插件的方法,它依赖于一个单独的触发机制:

Ractive.events.getoptions = function(node,fire){
   //here goes logic for interacting with DOM event listeners, etc
//and then i would need to do this
ractive = Ractive.extend({...});
   //logic for getting the options for the value in event.keypath

//and then I could do this...
<select on-getoptions='someOtherEventName'>...</select>

但是在这种情况下,会触发 getoptions - 来自模板,而不是 js ractive.fire()?

<select on-getoptions='someOtherFunction' on-click=getoptions>...</select> 这样的东西行得通吗?这对我来说似乎很奇怪。我理解概念修正吗?如果没有,我错过了什么?


Ractive.events 指的是在 dom 和模板之间进行调解的自定义事件:

Ractive.events.banana = function( node, fire ) { ... };

<div on-banana="doSomething()"/>


在你的情况下,我认为在 Ractive.prototype 上定义一个方法是拥有一个通用处理程序的最佳方式:

Ractive.prototype.getOptions = function( /* pass in arguments */ ){
    // and/or this.event will give you access 
    // to current event and thus context

    // you can also override this method in components and 
    // call this base method using this._super(..)

// now any ractive instance can use:
<select on-click="getOptions(data)">...</select>


var app = new Ractive({
    template: "<componentA/><componentB/>",

        this.on( '*.getOptions', ( event, arg ) => {
            // any child component (at any depth)
            // that fires a "getOptions" event will
            // end up here

// in component A or B:
<select on-click="getOptions">...</select>


Ractive.prototype.oninit = function(){
    this.on( 'getOptions', ( event ) => {
        // handle any "getOptions" event that happens in the instance

请注意,您 必须 在您还实现了 oninit:

的任何组件中调用 this._super();
var Component = Ractive.extend({
    oninit() {
        // make sure we call the base or event listener won't happen!

        // do this component instances init work...
