VS 2015 为 XNA 项目调试 HLSL

VS 2015 Debug HLSL for XNA project

我正在尝试使用我认为属于 Visual Studio 2015 的 HLSL Shader Debugger 来调试我为 XNA 4.0 项目编写的一些着色器代码。当我启动图形调试会话时,目标应用程序运行正常,但图形诊断 window 似乎在目标应用程序退出后才记录任何数据。此外,无论目标应用程序是否为 运行,我都无法捕获任何帧,选项仍然显示为灰色。


遗憾的是,这似乎不适用于我们的 XNA 开发人员,因为它仅支持 DirectX 11。Source

Shawn Hargreaves - MSFT April 9, 2014 at 7:58 am

This tooling supports desktop as well as store apps, but it's only for D3D11 while XNA uses D3D9.

Xbox One has its own somewhat different version of PIX, which does many similar things but in a more hardware specific way (many things get easier, and some richer types of data can be obtained, when you don't have to worry about supporting more than one type of GPU with different drivers!)